Mountain #1

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"Prince Rowan!" I hissed at my nomon in barely contained anger. Anya hung her head in shame but nodded. My mind was racing, this couldn't possibly be true, no this was bad. This was very bad. Prince Rowan was the beloved and only son of the vicious ice queen whom Lexa had riffled with on many occasions. The ice This isn't right. I am not ice nation. I am not traitorous scum like they are.

"Don't lie to my noumon." I hissed at her but Anya glared at me, "Watch your words, goufa. And I am not lying to you, this is the truth and you must accept it." Accept it? Accept that my father is the back-stabbing filthy son of the ice queen? Accept that my grandmother IS the ice queen?

"That can't be true. I am not ice nation." Anya smiled at my words sadly and placed her hand under my chin, tilting my face up too look into her beautiful eyes. "No you are not ice nation. You are tree clan and you are my daughter. Do not let your heritage change that." I cocked my head to the side at her words, "What your telling me does change that noumon. I am as much ice nation as I am tree clan." My words were harsh and bitter but they felt true. The air in the tent grew stuffy and unforgiving as Anya suddenly wrenched her hand from my face and thrust it onto my shoulder. She pushed me back so hard I fell from my sitting position on the floor into a heap. Anya straddled my hips and growled lowly at me before yanking my head up to face her. "Don't ever say that again."

With one last slap on the ear Anya climbed off of me and saunter out the tent, flapping the curtains behind her. Great, now my own mother hates me. The war drums began to pound and I instantly jumped up and listened intently. Lexa began making a speech and I knew it was time, war has begun and it would wait for no man. I composed myself, straightened out my clothes and quickly braided my hair before following my mother out of the tent. Lexa and Clarke stood side-by-side as the whole camp came alive with the need for blood. Blood must have blood, it is our saying but in this moment it became our life motivation. I screamed along with the rest of my people and the mission began. Blood would have blood before the end of the day. Indra and her second, Octavia of the ski kru marched with the tunnel group so I quickly grabbed some weapons and made my way over to them. Indra grasped me by the shoulders when she saw me and motioned for Octavia to listen. "Octavia, this is Mina. You will protect her and make sure the goufa comes to no harm." I rolled my eyes at Indra, "I am not a goufa Indra." Indra ignored my reply so I turned to Octavia, "Hey Octavia. Nice to see you again." Octavia smiled at me and I could physically see her confidence grow and her guilt lesson. "You too Mina, it's nice to see you under better circumstances." I nodded my head playfully at her and cocked my elbow into her arm. "True, but I don't think the circumstances could have been much worse." I whispered jokingly and she frowned before shaking her head and leading me away to the middle of the group we would be attacking in. Indra watched the whole exchange silently but I'm sure she noted it down for questioning at a future date, that women couldn't let anything go. Before the charge began I motioned to Octavia that I would be a second and quickly ran out to my mother and sister. I threw my arms around Lexa, surprising her and knocking the air out of her. "I am Heda you know, you would do well to treat me with respect in public." I rolled my eyes at that and grinned up at her, "Good luck, sis. Stay strong." She grasped my forearm and repeated the words to me as I moved onto my mother. We watched each other warily for a few moments before I mentally shrugged and hugged her around her waist. "I'm sorry, noumon." Anya sighed and her body relaxed under my hug, "There is no need for apologies. I love you my goufa." I kissed her cheek quickly before whispering back, "Love you too mama." I sprinted back to Octavia after that, not daring too look at my family again fearing it could be the last goodbye. By. My family is strong and we will survive, that is something I will forever believe in, till one of them draws their last breath. Octavia threw an arm around me to sooth my slightly shaking body as I reached her side again. "It will be okay Mina." I smiled at her before shrugging her arm off and screaming along to Indra's war cry.

The tunnels grew darker and the first reaper appeared as we reached the entrance of the mountain. I drew my knife and prepared to defend myself, these reapers are going down. My dad's creations must be destroyed, they left a stain on his grave and I couldn't slow that. The battle raged on for mear minutes before we reached the electrically closed door. I pushed my way through the grounders and turned to the key card and Four digit number pad. My dad was in charge of these pins before he died so they would have been something he could remember easily. My mind raced for a few seconds before the answer struck clear in my mind. I felt a single tear fall down the valley of my cheeks as I pressed in my birthday. The door sprung open and all the grounders stared at me in school. I wiped away the evidence of my weakness and smiled slowly at them. "We're in." I murmured at them and Indra took the lead. "Warriors! Our job is too destroy the space suits so that none of them may escape what is coming for them. Octavia lead the third division to that, second division your coming with me, we're going to find the remainder of our people and kill any who come in our way! First division stay here and guard the doors, somebody get word back to Heda that we have succeeded." Indra paused and looked at me, "Stay with Octavia." She demanded off me and I raised my eyebrows at her cheekily, "Of course general." She scoffed and slapped me around my ear but paused when she saw how red and bruised it already was. "Who did this?" She whispered dangerously but I just glared at her and motioned to the Warriors, "It's nothing, we don't have time for this Indra." I grasped her wrist in the Warriors lock as she did the same to me, "Stay strong." We shushed to each other and separately made our way to our own divisions.

Octavia lead her kru through the mountain and boy did we make a noise. We killed any that were unfortunate enough to come across our path while  alerts and sirens thundered through the mountain. I recognised these alerts: containment breach, get to level 5, they signified. When Octavia made a wrong turn I quickly ran ahead and pointed the opposite way, "This way is the quickest to the mask room." She looked at me in confusion,
"How do you know?" I sighed at her but she listened and lead her kru the right way so I felt no need to answer her. Some things are not meant to be shared with all who will listen, especially not virtually strangers.

The corridors darkened and narrowed before we reached the mask room, I had been expecting this and ordered single file. We stealthily crept to the room and came across another pin pad. This was my grandfathers territory and so the pin would have been something he loved, my mountain family is sentimental like that. It wouldn't be my birthday as although he loved me I don't think he ever excepted me as his kin completely. And rightfully so. The thought instantly struck me and I tipped in the pin. The date grandfather, his siblings and his parents opened the doors and stepped foot outside believing the air was clean enough. They were wrong and the effects were disastrous but grandfather still pines I've the scenery and the beauty of the ground he only got to experience for a very short time. The door sprang open and the grounders cheered as the coats came into view. I drew my knife and quickly ran over to one, demonstrating how to destroy one so it was completely useless. I smashed the oxygen masks next but as I lifted my foot to crazy a mask a horrible thought came to me and it nearly knocked me over, my mum would never survive this. Her body could not cope with the radiation and even if it could there was no way the grounders and the 100 would allow her to leave the mountain alive. Having so many parents is very troublesome. But soon I would have just my biological set left, if I could even count Prince Rowan as my father.

After we destroyed all the masks and suits and oxygen tanks Octavia raised her head to the moon and howled her victory. I felt my would soar as I joined in the victory road and raised my dagger to the sky as we stormed out of the room.  Octavia had instructions to join back with Indra's group when they had finished and so I took the opportunity, while they were all distracted, to quietly slip of from the group and make my way down to level 5. I had to see my mother, one last time, before this all went to hell and she lay in her grave. I knew the mountain well from my years as a citizen here and this allowed me to make my way down to level 5 unseen.

As I approached the double doors that led into the mess hall i drew my other knife, pushed my hair out of the way and kicked open the double doors, knives in hand. I was unnoticed for meanly seconds until the people of the mountain noticed me. I counted to 10, took a deep breath and walked over to my mum admits the screams of, "Grounder!" and the rare whisper of, "Mia?"
My mum looked me over, taking in every single detail of my attire and expression before raising a hand too touch my cheek. "Mia?" She whispered and I nodded allowing the gentle touch. I leaned my head into her hand and smiled before I spoke sweetly, "I killed dad."

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