Chapter Thirty Two: Oops

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"Oh god. Oh dear god. Stephen. We shouldn't have... I should go... We..." I stuttered as I reached around the floor by his bed in the trailer looking for my clothes. He reached for my frantic arm and stroked it with his thumb. "Ems..." I started to calm down and looked to face him. "I'm sorry... We just can't." I said. "I can't." He looked up into my eyes. I wanted to fall down next to him, lay down on his chest and fall asleep and stay forever, but I couldn't. "I understand.. I do. But I can't live without you Emily. It's impossible." His words melted her heart, it was all she ever wanted to hear from him, but she knew that those words didn't change his situation. "God Stephen. I can't either. But I also can't live with seeing you with her in the pictures every day. You're all over. You have to pretend you're still in love with her, and that hurts me Stephen. It does." I could feel a tear beginning to fall from my eye, I tried to prevent it from falling down my cheek, but I couldn't. "Please don't cry..." He said as he wiped the tear from my cheek and left his hand on my face. I buried my lips into his hand. "Dammit Stephen." I said. "What?" He asked as I laid my head down on his chest. "Stop making me love you so much." I said as I left a kiss on his chest and closed my eyes.

*Two Months Later*
"Hurry up Italia I need you here, NOW!" I yelled over the phone as I was frantically pacing back and forth across my kitchen floor. I was biting down on my nails, something I only did in situations like this. "Calm down Ems, I'm like 5 minutes away!" She yelled back as she hung up.
I was scared to death. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know if I was crazy. I needed my best friend.
She showed up less than 5 minutes later with juice and a bag full of the scariest thing I've ever seen. "I'm freaking out Italia. Freaking out!" I yelled. "It's okay. It's okay. Just breath." She said as she handed me the bag. I sat down on the couch and drank the juice as fast as I could.

"Whatever happens. I love you." She said as she closed the bathroom door behind me.
I took deep breaths. I couldn't breath. I knew I was about 10 minutes from a panic attack.

"So?" She said as I came out 5 minutes later.
I moved out of the way so she could get into the bathroom.
I sat down on the couch. I was trying to breath normally, but I just couldn't. Italia came out, a look on her face that I had never recognized before.
"What do I do?" I asked.
She sat down next to me and I laid down into her shoulder. I felt the tears fall out faster than I wanted. But she didn't care. She was rubbing my arm trying to comfort me as best as she could.
"First thing you need to do, is call Stephen." She said as she handed me my phone.
I couldn't do it. How could I do it? I couldn't even comprehend it myself.
I sat up and stared at his name in my phone. I pressed call. I couldn't breath, my heart was beating faster than I have ever felt before.
"Emily?" He asked as he answered the phone. "What's up?" He asked. I couldn't speak. Italia grabbed the phone.
"You might want to sit down for this Stephen..." She said as she handed the phone back to me.
"Steph... Stephen... I'm... I'm pregnant."

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