Chapter 1: First School Day Ever

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*I DO NOT OWN HAIKYU, AND I GOT THE TWO SOUL IDEA FROM BEYOND TWO SOULS. I only own the Hashira's and Abel, along with the scientists and new characters that you've never heard of. I based this story off of my imagination and took concepts from haikyu and beyond two souls so have fun. And I usually go back on each chapter and fix alot of mistakes so it's safe to say you'll want to reread chapters sometimes. Enjoy! -Lynn*

Hashira Sora is my newly given name. Hashira meaning "pillar" or "support",and Sora meaning "sky". I'm 5'3" and considered really short in my family, my family is all taller than me.(I only have an older brother) I'm currently running to get to my older Brother (who've I just recently reunited with) who decided it was fun to leave behind his little sister on the first day of school.

"Hashira Ishimaru... GET BACK HERE YOUR FUCKING DICKFACE!", I tried to yell, failing due to my swollen throat as a ran after him. My Karasuna boys uniform making it easy to run and not shame myself in the process as Abel kept shoving people out of the way for me.

"CATCH ME IF YOU CAN BRICK BRAIN!", I heard my brother's voice in the distance, struggling to stay steady as he ran.

Now you may be wondering. Why are we acting like such children. And by children I mean idiots. Now my elder brother may be a third year but no way in hell am I going to call him a senpai, expecially from they way we treat eachother. We're siblings so of course we're going to abuse eachother, it's a given. And who's Abel? And 'recently' reunited with my brother? It's a long story.

I just moved to Japan from Canada, my blood family always have lived in Canada but due to them giving me to scientists in labs at the age of 3 with Abel as my only friend, I've never properly met them. I have had no idea who my family is. Turns out Ishimaru is my only family.


Thanks to my running expierence from lab experiments (they get crazy sometimes) I almost caught up to him as we entered the school grounds. He was walking into the school building as I bolted as fast as I can, forcing my feet to plant and my body to spring, Abel pulled him back as I tackled him into the building.

We go tumbling into the school forcing other students to dash out of the way screeching at the sudden commotion.

"What have I said about tackling me into buildings Sora-Bee-Chii?", my tall red haired brother with turquoise eyes asked laying on the ground clearly out of breath from running.

I popped up from the ground and lent his 6'1" lanky figure a hand up to pull him up, a few people's eyes widened at my surprising strength. I shrugged and punched him lightly, it's normal, I used all of my body weight just to pull him off the ground, it wasn't too difficult with the help of Abel.

My elder brother slapped my back once hard and then we started walking down the hallway to the administrative office.

"Why do Japan schools have to be to confusing?", I ask quietly as we go through the rather large building, hallways now empty signaling that classes have started.

"Don't worry you'll get use to it.", Ishimaru stated. Easy for him to say, he's already been in this school for the first quarter of the year. It was my first time around people my age, I've a only always been around adults, I feel like a brick in a pile of... of... you get the point.

We reached administration and got out schedules. 5 classes in a row? Isn't that a little harsh? I looked to my brother and we spoke about it silently through shrugs and sign language. I can't speak with my throat which was from the last experiment which included needles and peppermint. And from being alone with Abel so much I've learned sign language to speak with those scientists that can't hear me.

I'm often mistaken for being antisocial but oh well, fuck it. I'm also wearing a boys uniform because oh fucking well. Being a boy is easier than being a girl in this century.

My schedule had me in class 1-1.

"That means your in the lowest class of the first years. Shouldn't you be in the highest class?", my brother signed and spoke to me.

I put my stuff into my backpack to free my hands and signed,"To be honest I just didn't feel like working that hard.", my brother rolled his eyes and scoffed,"You should be challenging yourself, not taking the easy route."

"You sound like a dissapointed sibling."
"That's because I am!"

I started skipping down the cooridor.
I signed,"My communications media class is with the 1-4 people so I'm all good, although I don't have it today it seems."

We reached my room and my brother knocked. Since I'm not allowed to speak with my 'larengitis', my brother was going to clear it up with my teacher. My brother entered the room with me trailing behind him quietly.

Everyone was staring at the front at my tall brother as he explained my situation to my teacher quietly, whilst the students gave me confused and weird looks. Curse their damn experiments and my girly looks with a boys uniform, the teacher looked directly at me and said slowly and loudly might I add,"You must be our new student Mr.Hashira Sora! I hope you feel welcomed here!", I looked at her with a perplexed face and started signing with my hands pretty fast, "You really don't need to draw out your words or try speak too loudly, I can understand you just fine, it's nice to meet you.", I added an awkward smile afterwards.

She looked so confused. Now THIS IS why you learned sign language. To confuse the fuck out of people.
A pencil on her desk rolled.
I see you agree as well Abel.

"He said you don't need to try and speak slowly, he can understand you just fine.", a sudden dull voice came from the back of the room. I look over scanning and searching for where the voice came from.

"Kageyama! YOU UNDERSTOOD WHAT HE SAID?!", an orange haired kid that could easily resemble the sun said somewhat screaming at, well, probably the person who just spoke.

"DUMBASS! SHUT UP! WERE IN CLASS!", 'Kageyama' yelled and slapped the sunflower in front of his seat with his schoolbook.

If this was a lab they'd be two rats that would need to be observed just due to their stupidity it seems. I don't understand teenagers at all.

"KAGEYAMA, HINATA!", the teacher yelled silencing the two who froze at her voice, she looked at me and spoke normally, still slightly slowing down her words. Kudos to her by the way, saying,"You can go sit behind Kageyama, one of the two who were trying to fight eachother.", Ishimaru then excused himself to go to his class.

I nodded and walked to the seat in the back corner near the window.

"Kageyama, I'm assigning you to Hashira because you seem to be the only one who can understand him." The teach said suddenly as I sat myself behind this Kageyama.

HIM. OH GOD WAIT. ARE THEY MISTAKING ME FOR A GUY. I MEAN. I AM WEARING A GUYS UNIFORM. you know what, I'm just gonna ride this out. Abel your a guy right? Or do entities not have genders. You know what, don't answer that.

Kageyama reluctantly in his dull voice replied,
"Ok (insert random teachers name)"
He then turned around in his seat to me and signed what the teacher said. I starred at him and signed,

"Thanks, I didn't think there'd be anyone else who knew sign language here.",a smart teenager?

"Can you understand the teacher from this distance?", he asked me both signing and speaking.

I simply nodded and signed 'yes'.
He nodded back at me and turned around and the class continued.

So let me evaluate, I'm already forced to be leeched to someone. But I'm glad someone understood my sign language. I've also been mistaken for a boy, I have to pretend I got larengitis.

Shouldn't this be interesting.

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