Chapter 4: Speaking out loud

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*** Above photo is what I imagine Ishimaru to look like***

You have no idea how excited I am!
A gush of wind put me a little off balance.
I see your excited too Abel!

Since I had an experiment along with the regular stuff all last night to get rid of my throat problem and it included me being asleep the whole time with Abel also resting, so I feel refreshed.

But I have to converse with all these kids now.
What am I saying, I'm one of these kids.
But then again I never have been, more ever will be a 'normal' kid.

I walk into the school by myself and put away my shoes in my locker, these tiny lockers are so cool!

I walk to my first class and I sit down. I was the first one here, it was like an hour before school started.

Why was I here so early? To reflect. I haven't ever had a friend my age, so I want to try doing that. But since I tackled Ishimaru into the school yesterday nobody really comes near me. And the others at the orphanage don't count, they're my new siblings.
Well Abel they'd definetally not come near me if they knew bout you!
I got knocked out of my chair by an invisible force.
"Abel don't resort to violence with me hehe..", I say slightly laughing and I get up and sit back in my seat.

My first class today was my Communications Media class with the 1-4 kids. Apparently it's one of the more smart classes, but I'm slightly worried because to have a class 1-1 student in a 1-4 class is weird because everyone usually has the exact same classes with their grouping.

"Hashira - San? ", I hear a voice come from behind me. I turn around to find Yamaguchi and Tsukishima walking to sit down right in front of me.

"Hello!", I say rather chipper.

"So the silence speaks.", Tsukishima states smirking. Trying to get a reaction out of me.

"Yup! The doctor gave the okay so I can speak now!", I say happily with a smile on my face.

Tsukishima's smirk dropped a little from failing to bring down my chipperness, and his cheeks ever so slightly glowed pink, he then proceeded to turn around and put his giant headphones on.

"That's good! Although...", Yamaguchi trailed off,"Your voice is kinda.
.... girly."


"Ya...", I said huffing a little awkwardly but light-heartedly,"I do get that alot.", I grabbed my back and brought out my red gaming DS popping it open and turning the sound off. Then selecting my POKEMON GAME YES!
I smiled slightly as my game started up.

Eventually everyone came flooding in. Although I got some looks I was fine. Because nobody else sat near me.

Already the odd one out eh?

I sigh and then listen to the class instructions and teaching while I play my game on silent. It's communications media, I already know all about it luckily hehe.

"I want you guys to create a piece of work and then proceed to pick what creative commons license you would use for it and explain why. I expect an essay by this Friday.", first assignment and it's a full out essay.

I start to pack up my stuff along nearing the end of class. Since everything is done we're free to leave class early to prepare for the next one. Good, because my other classes are like across the whole school.

I get out of my seat and walk out of the classroom when I hear whispering. Now some are about me not speaking at all the first day. Well I couldn't. Sucks to suck.

"Excuse me.", I feel a tap on my shoulder to turn and find a few girls who are around the same height as me, mostly shorter,"Why can't you talk?"

I looked at them a smile while saying,

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