February 2, 2016

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February 2, 2016

Dear Journal,

This morning, I saw Justin at the park sitting on a bench, reading a book. May I add, but it was one of my favorite book! It's called, "Throne of Glass," by Sarah J. Maas. Getting off topic, but Justin and hung out for a while randomly talking about food and competing who has the best periodic table jokes. My favorite joke, which Justin had said:

"Did you hear oxygen went on a date with potassium? It went OK."

That joke just couldn't get out of my head, maybe it wasn't very funny, but it was my favorite out of the ones we both said. Then, after we had stopped laughing, Justin looked me straight at me and asked me to be his girlfriend! I'm still jumping around even though he asked me...about 8 hours ago? Anywho, Kevin's memory has been coming back to him slowly, he came into my room and hugged me. I guessed he had figured out that he had remembered me. We stood there for about 5 minutes embracing each other making sure that we won't ever forget each other... ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2016 ⏰

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