The Voice

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Lucy's POV~

I freeze and gulp. I shuffle away from him but he looks straight at me. Gajeel notices me and turns around.

That instant, Zeref disappeared.

Gajeel curses under his breath and huffs. I run out to tell the others.

'You know, you shouldn't tell them of this. I already wiped Gajeel and Levy's memory of me so it won't do much.' A voice speaks in head. 'Surely you don't want to get hurt, do you?'

A huge migraine makes my vision spotty and I felt as if I could die.

I nod, obediently, and let out a breath of relief as the pain stopped.

'Besides, I have complete control over your body. I can hurt the others most precious from you so talk wisely.' The voice warns in a menacing voice.

"Heya, Luce!" Natsu smiles and waved his hands, motioning for me to come over.

I smile, weakly and nod. "Be right there, Natsu! Wait for me!" I shout back.

'Remember...' The voices says as it fades away.

I put on a fake smile and walk towards Natsu. "Yeah, Natsu?"

"Can we, er... you know..." Natsu seemed very nervous out of no where!

"Fire breath here is trying to say he wants to go on a date with you!" Gray shouts.

I was gonna say yes but Erza interuppted us. "We've got a problem."

I was confused but let Erza continue. "You know the newcomers from about a month ago? Well, they never came back from their mission."

"Relax, Erza. They're probably just on a long mission." Natsu says, trying to get rid of the tense atmosphere.

"No, Natsu. It was only a mission to take care of some monster a few towns away. It should've only taken a week." Erza was dead serious.

"Let's go." I say. They all look at me and nod.

We all get to the large ship we had and we got to Magnolia. We rush to the guild hall.

We saw chaos as Laxus and his team were in a panic, causing everyone else to argue and fight.

"Where are they?!" I yell. Mira was obviously in a frenzy, running to help others as quick as possible.

"North of Harper Town, take the train!" Someone shouts. Natsu flinches at the word train but agrees to follow us anyway.

After the train ride, Natsu stumbles out, happy we were out of 'that hell hole'.

We rush north of Harper and see a dark, thick forest. The Lost Souls Forest.

This forest is famous not for its incredible beauty but the ability to easily get lost in there. Thousands of people had gone in there and never came out.

Only a few amount of people were able to make out of there alive, including most powerful wizards.

Problem: I'm not a powerful wizard. I gulp and step in the forest, immediately taken by a trance, my feet walking on their own.

Suddenly, someone shakes my shoulder, breaking me out of my trance.

"Baka. We need these." Natsu hits my head before handing me a bracelet with a glowing, yellow gem. I noticed everyone else's were different.

Levy: Lime
Gajeel: Gray (Lol the fact that there's a character with a name as Gray, it's hard not to crack up when I use it as a color)
Gray: Blue
Natsu: Orange
Wendy: Purple
Mystogan: Navy
Erza: Red
Juvia: Turquoise
Sting: White
Rogue: Black

They were all glowing faintly. "These gems will glow when near each other and makes sure you'll never be lost. These are hard to come by so if you lose one, you'll, well basically, die." Erza states.

"Okay, let's go. Everyone go in separate directions to cover more ground. Everyone will be in pairs. One will be a group. Okay, Natsu and Lucy, Mystogan, me, and Wendy, Levy and Gajeel, Sting and Rogue, and Gray and Juvia." Erza orders (She secretly shipped them).

We all run in to different directions. "Guess we have to hold off on that date, huh?" I giggle as Natsu turns a dark shade of red.

"Y-yeah, I g-g-guess." He was obviously embarrassed but I was oblivious to this.



"What will it take for the stupid guy to kiss the girl on a date (Reference from Percy Jackson)?" This catches him off guard and he trips, falling flat on his face.

"Ouch." His voice was muffled from hitting the dirt. I help him up and he seemed deep in thought as he was staring at my face. I reddened.

"Y-yeah, Natsu?" I ask, mentally slapping my self for stuttering.

"Lucy..." he reaches for my face and...

Brushes off some dirt.

"You got some dirt on you by accident!" Natsu chuckles. I glare at him but just roll my eyes since I knew how oblivious and stupid he was to love.

"Let's just go-" I heard a deafening roar.

ROAAAAARRRR! I flinch but take off towards the noise. What I saw was terrifying.

A 20 foot tall, Godzilla like creature were fighting the new kids! I immediately take out my keys.

"Open Gate of the Lion: Leo!"

"Open Gate of the Water Bearer: Aquarius!" My magic energy was getting sapped and Leo and Aquarius noticed this so they went to work.

Natsu was fighting alongside them and eventually, we won, but I was exhausted from taking out two spirits for a period of time.

After I took them back, I collasped. Last thing I saw was Natsu and the newcomers rushing towards me. And a menacing voice in my head.

'Just a simple warning...'

OH MER GERSH! SO SORRY I HAVEN'T POSTED FOR SO LONG! I got my worst grade ever on a test (81%) and I'm stressing out so bad! Luckily, I also have a week off next week so I have some breaks from school! How was your winter? I was so happy that it snowed like 2-3 feet of snow (I live in NY), I made that extra! Anyways, byee!

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