Tear Stains

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Ugh, this song is so awesome! I found it and I am obsessed! It's called Nightcore - Dollhouse!


I run to my apartment, tears flowing down my cheeks. I hated it. The fact that Natsu thought I was weak all this time.

Why do I bother getting hurt by Natsu? I should just... let him go. I won't bother with him anymore.

I step in to my room, and notice someone in my bed. Natsu again, I bet. I sigh.

"Natsu, how did you even get here so fast..." It wasn't Natsu but Sting.  I search my house, making sure nothing was broken, stolen, or burnt, again.

I look at him and see that his exceed was there too. I shake him but he just groans.

"LUCY KICK!!" I kick out of bed, making him fall off the bed. Hard.

"Argh, what are you doing Blondie?" Sting rubs his head, grumbling at me.

"Excuse me? This is my house and in case you didn't know, you have blonde hair too, Blondie." I quickly wipe away the rest of my tears.

"Blondie, were you crying?" He asks me, looking a little worried, surprisingly.

"No, shut up and go home!" I yell at him.

"Was it Natsu?" He asks, ignoring my last comment.

"..." I stood, silent.

"I see. Blondie, you need a hug?" I shake my head but he already engulfed me with his warm arms.

I didn't realize it but I start crying silently. He starts stroking my head and whisper things I couldn't even hear. (A/N Sorry about the Stinglu moment, NaLu will be back!)

Suddenly, there are yells and a smack.


"Pyro freak, think before you talk! Oh right, you can't think!" Gray.

"Natsu..." Lisanna.


I hurriedly check the door for the locks. It was locked, thankfully. Unluckily, there was Mira.

"Lucy, open this door or I'll break it down my self!" She shouts. I gulp at Sting. He jumps out the window.

"C-coming!" I open the door to actually see Natsu, Mira, Lisanna, Gray, and Levy. "Guys! Whatcha doing here?" I ask, innocently.

"Cut the crap, Lucy. What did Natsu do?" Mira glares at Natsu.

"Nothing. Please leave now." I was about to slam the door when Mira turns to her Satan Soul. "Er... come in!"

"What did Natsu do?" Mira asks me.

"Nothing. I swear."

"You running out the guild in tears didn't look like 'nothing'."

"I think it's better that Natsu explains." Gray says.

"I may have called her weak and maybe hurt her feelings." Natsu says, nonchalantly. I felt more hurt.

Gray had already gripped his vest and pushed him against the wall. Mira was glaring at Natsu, a ball of black energy forming in her hand.


"..." I nod, solemnly. Mira grins, making her look mad, and turns back at Natsu.

"Natsu. We need to talk. Outside. NOW." Mira motions to Natsu. I hear a few smacks and a large thud. I glance outside to see Natsu, lying on the ground, gurgling. Gray looked a little scared. 

"I am NEVER getting on Mira's bad side." I mumble. Gray agrees, feeling her wrath long ago, when he rejected Juvia, unintentionally. I walk to my bed and lay down, trying to sleep when Mira drags me out. 

"Lets go shopping! We can't have you in a bad mood!" She smiles at me. Wow her mood really changes fast. But as we go out the door, Mira purposely steps on Natsu's face as we go out. Maybe not. Lisanna and I sweatdrop. We all saw that coming sooner or later.

We finally finish, carrying about 30 bags each. Wow, Mira bought so little today. But then again, so did I. 

After all that, Lisanna volunteered to sleep over with me. Mira was busy with work but Levy also joined. Awesome! We haven't had much girl time since... ever. 

Lisanna and Levy arrive, tailed by Gajeel, Juvia, Erza, and Gray. "Heya Lu-chan, I invited Juvia but, er, Gajeel and Gray followed us." Levy giggles.

"Eek! Gray-sama wants to stay with Juvia!" I could've sworn I saw lovey-dovey hearts in her eyes. Gray groans.

"No Juvia, I just wanted to... umm... make sure nothing bad happens to you girls. I mean, you lost half your magic strength and powers so..." Gray keeps on rambling but Juvia just fawns over him. I shove Gajeel and Gray out.

"No can do, this is a only girls party!" I yell at them as they start grumbling. 

"May I join? This will be my first sleepover." Erza had that weird sparkle in her eyes that showed that she really wanted it. I nod and grin. This will be fun. Unfortunately, Erza wanted to host the games. And she had that rare, mischievous look on her face that showed no mercy.

"Let me decide our first game!" Erza exclaims.

"Erza looks like a madman..." Lisanna whispers in my ear. I nod, awfully scared of that crazy look in her eye. 

"What was that?!" Erza glares at Lisanna and I. 

"N-nothing m'am!" Erza huffs and starts talking again.

"Well, Lisanna, since you're so nice today, you'll be the first to volunteer for this game!" Lisanna was about to protest until she met Erza's creepy smile. 

"We'll be playing... TRUTH OR DARE!!!"   

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