Chapter 3 *UPDATED*

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My eyes shoot open when I hear the boom. Instead of looking at the wall, like I was before I fell asleep, I was looking at the ceiling. After a moment, I realized that I just rolled off my bed.

My door swings open before I can start scolding myself and James rushed in.

"What happened, I heard a bo-" James stops talking when he sees me on the floor. He stares at me for a moment then bursts out laughing.

"Y-you rolled o-off your b-bed?!"He asks/says between laughs.

"Pfff no. I attacked the floor" I try to play off this embarrassing moment.

"Backwards?" I can tell Jame is trying really hard to hold back another laugh.

"I'm talented bruh!!" I exclaim as if it were the most obvious thing In the world.

"I'm not sure id call that talent sis." he says still smiling, then turning to leave. He stops right before he gets to the door and turns his head towards me.

"Oh yeah, and it's Monday which means you have school so get ready and ill take you."

'Ugh, I forgot that was today. Why can't I just be homeschooled? It's not like ill be here long enough to make friends anyways.' I think to myself as I roll my eyes and cover myself with the blanket I brought with me to the floor.

"Okaaayyy." I groan.

James laughs a bit then turns and leaves my room, leaving me to get ready. Reluctantly, I get up off of the floor and drag my feet over to the closet for something to wear.

I put on a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, a loose white tank top that said Paris across my chest, a cute leather jacket, and my black and white converse.

Once I am dressed and pleased with my outfit, I get my suitcase from the front of the bed and grab my make up bag and hairbrush. I walk over to my vanity and brush my hair first. Then I take a seat and start applying some mascara and a little bit of pink-tinted lipstick. Once this is done, I brush my eyebrows until they are shaped exactly how I like them and use my eyebrow gel to hold the hairs in place. Satisfied with my look, I grab my phone and backpack and head out of my room then down the stairs.

"Ready?" James asks behind me as we walk down the stairs. His room is right next to mine so he probably heard me leave my room and walked out of his shortly after.

"Yep," I reply. We walk into the garage and get into James's car.

He has a pretty nice car. It's a dark blue sports car that I absolutely love and want but I don't get a car until I graduate high school, per the parent's request. 

We both buckle up and he pulls to of the driveway and onto the street.

"So, you excited to go back to school?" James asks, breaking the silence. I turn my head away from the window and give James an annoyed look.

"Really? You think I'm excited to start at a brand new school halfway through the year when everyone already has their friend groups and Ill just be there, the center of attention with no idea where to go or what to do?" I say this kind of harshly and instantly feel bad. It's not his fault I have to go through this again.

"Fair enough." James nods his head in agreement with my frustration. 

I give him a weak smile and lean my head against the car window. James knows exactly how I feel, if not more. Growing up, James actually went to way more schools than I did and had to move more frequently too because back then, my parents were moving about every 3-4 months due to their work clients always changing. I wasn't really affected because I was so young that I don't really remember moving that often but James was just old enough to feel the pain from it.

"Look, I know you hate moving around so much and having to go to so many schools so I'll make you a deal." James's voice brings me out of my thoughts.

"A deal? what kind?" I ask, lifting my head from the window and looking curiously at my brother.

"If you try to make friends, and I mean actually put in an effort, and you still aren't happy with going to school, then I'll homeschool you myself." I look out of the window as I ponder if this is a good deal or not and I come to the conclusion that I might as well give it a try. The worst that could happen is everyone hating me, but then I'd be homeschooled anyways.

"Alright fine, your on," I say while smiling at James. I hold out my hand to him.

"Sweet. I better get weekly reports on -" James starts then turns his head and sees my hand. He furrows his brows as he looks at my hand.

"What are you doing?" He asks, confused.

"We made a deal and now we have to shake on it. I don't want either of us going back on what we said." I say this with a straight face so he knows that I am serious. James looks at my hand again and smirks.

"Alright fine, we'll shake on it. I want you to know though that this really hurts my feelings sis." We shake on the promise and then James mockingly puts his hand over his chest as if I have hurt him.

"Oh my gosh, whatever." I laugh a bit as I say this and nudge his shoulder playfully, which makes him laugh too. As we laugh, I hear what sounds like one of my favorite songs on the radio. I listen intently just to make sure.

"Watch me, take a good thing and f*** it all up in one night." Yes! I haven't heard this song in forever!

"Hey, Turn it up!" I say to James happily.

"You like MGK?" He asks with a very judgemental expression on his face.

"What, and you don't?" I return the expression back to him and turn up the volume myself, all but blasting his speakers. I start singing along but then hear another voice. I turn to my brother who is nodding his head to the beat and singing along to the song as well.

'HA! I knew he liked this song, even if it is by MGK and Yungblud'. I smile to myself as I think this and we spend the rest of the car ride singing along to the radio.



The picture Is of Callie and James!





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