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Liliana :-* I own none of the pictures shown in this story.

Liliana made the Alpha's bed, inhaling his unique scent of strawberries and honey. She was a bit surprised by his feminine scent. She stepped out of the room, heading to the kitchen to help prepare the feast for the alpha.

She ignored the pang of jealousy that shot through her. The alpha has been away for months in search of his luna, in order to be a proper alpha he would need the luna. In that time Lily had turned 18, still in search of her own mate. Exhaling sadly, she walked to the kitchen.

It turns out that the alpha had to fight tooth and nail to get his luna to submit. She was the alpha of her pack. She was almost as dominate as he but eventually chose to give in. Lily was bought back to the present by a snap to her face.

"Get a move on with those buscuits Lily. You know the Alpha only eats them when you make it. " Gretal ordered. Gretal was an elder.The only omega to be one.

Lily blushed then got back to making her cheese biscuits. She has never actually met the alpha. She preferred to stay in the sanctuary of the pack library engrossed in a book. She slid her biscuits in the oven.

Everyone was treated fairly in this pack. Bullying was not tolerated. Lily made her way upstairs. Her mind once again on her non existant mate. She didn't care if it was a male or female, she just wanted to be loved unconditionally. She stepped into her room, slamming the door behind her, she pulled her clothing off. She walked around her twin sized bed to get to her restroom. She stepped into the shower, setting the water to scalding. She sighed as the burning water slid over her skin. 30 minutes later she stepped out.

"Shit!" she exclaimed as she looked at the clock. She was late! She rushed into her closet. Finding the dress she bought yesterday for tonight. She slipped on the peach dress. A smile graced her lips. The dress narrowed at her waist before billowing out.

She twirled smiling goofily. She slipped on her white baby dolls. Then rushed through her make up, covering her freckles. She allowed her long ginger hair to stay out, feeling to lazy to actually comb it. She ran down to the ballroom stumbling through the door. She blushed when she recieved disapproving stairs from her pack.

She rushed to a corner, making herself small as possible. A hush washed over the crowd when the doors opened to reveal the alpha pair. A loud whimper escaped her when two very alluring smells wrapped around her senses. She fell to the floor shaking.

The smell of strawberries and honey wrapped around her, but the smell of warm chocolate dipped in oranges took over her senses. She gasped. Looking at the two very dominant figures standing before her. She whimpered in fear, cowering away, fearing rejection.

"Shhh princess, we're not rejecting you" a deep, husky voice reassured. She sniffed, looking up slowly, before the air whooshed out of her. She looked between the two fine specimen before her. The person reassuring her was the alpha. He had forest green eyes, arms as large as tree trunks, lips that tempt you to taste. A strong jaw, he was about 6'5 , he was breathtaking with his curly black hair. Quite literally.

"Breathe darling" a voice as smooth as silk ordered softly. She took a deep breath before turning to the voice. The luna was actually a boy! Her eyes widened at his feminine beauty.

He was magnificent with his eyes as gold as the sun, his brown hair pulled into a ponytail. He was a bit shorter than the alpha, standing at 6'2 , he had the body of a swimmer, lean and strong, graceful even. She stood quickly to her feet, running out of the ballroom and to her own. She heard a distressed whine come from behind her but she continued to run. She was scared. Petrified.

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