Innocent Tease

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Alex 😘

Lilliana nuzzled her face into her mate's neck, while snuggling into the warmth of the other. She whined when Eric slipped out of bed. Alex pulls her firmly into his chest.

"Go back to sleep love." he murmured. She relaxed but continued to watch Eric dress. She loved how his muscles bunched in his back as he slid his shirt on. She blushed in embarassment when wet heat rushed to her core. Alex growled softly in warning, but Eric spoke.

"As much as I would love to ravish you I cannot for I have pack duties. " he spoke softly, walking towards her and capturing her lips in a searing kiss.

She whimpered as he pulled away. Alex kissed Eric, it was a hot and hungry kiss that left Lily panting. She looked away, not wanting to intrude.

While they were tangled in their passionate embrace, she snuck away; It was about time for her little girl to wake.

She walked to her room, Rose's bright ginger hair was spread messily over her pillow. Her cheeks a rosy red as she snored lightly.

Her girl was so precious, she smiled placing a soft kiss on her cheek. "Wake up doll face" She whispers gently. She giggled when Rose nuzzled her cheek.

Bright blue eyes similar to her mother's opened sleepily. "Mommy?"

"It's me sweetheart, it's time to start your day." Liliana walked Rose to the bathroom where they proceeded to brush their teeth.

Lilianna loved Rose but she had to be kept a secret, if the alpha's discovered her they would both be rejected.

"You're going to be hanging out with grandma today love."

Rose's brows furrowed, her lip set in a pout. " But I want to be with you mommy."

"I know sweetheart but you know the rules."

Lily tried her best to ignore her daughter's crestfallen face, she felt a pang but got her daughter dressed nonetheless.

"Let's go."

She dropped her off at her mother's door then walked to her room, she wiped at her eyes, now was not the time to fall apart.


She closed her bedroom door behind her, then slid off her dress. She needed a nice, hot shower first. Grabbing a bra with matching panties she went to her bathroom.

Thirty minutes later she stepped out , her skin a bright pink. She pulled on her panties and bra before stepping our of the bathroom, then began to towel dry her long ginger hair. She walked into her closet. She didn't have many clothing.

For she only wore oversized sweaters and leggings. She pulled on a large white sweatshirt and opted for some baby blue leggings, the inside fleece.

Since it was Saturday she had no chores. She sighed happily as she slipped on some thick socks. She walked to her safe haven. The pack library.

She giggled as she picked out a steamy romance. She sat in her bean bag chair, smiling at the librarian as she took her seat. She was so engrossed in her story that she didn't hear or smell Alex stalk towards her. She squealed when he suddenly picked her up then flopped into her seat with her on his lap.

"What are you reading baby love?" Alex whisperes into the crook of her neck.

She shivered "Bite Me. " He chuckled.

" A romance?" He questioned.
She nodded. He snatched the book from her .

"He pounded into her, her moans-" Lily squealed,covering his mouth. Her face flushed in embarassment.

"You shouldn't read things like that out loud Lexi!" she hissed .
He quirked an eyebrow.

"Lexi?" her face reddened further as the nickname slipped.

"I meant Alex!" She pouted at his soft chuckle.

"I've never had a nickname. I like it" he whispered against her pouted lips, sucking her bottom lip into his mouth. She moaned, unconsciously grinding again his jean clad member. He grabbed her hips, halting her movements.

"You aren't ready for that love." he murmered. She groaned in frustration, climbing off his lap. She crossed her arms in a huff. Her leisure Saturday was ruined.

"Don't be like that darling. " Alex whispered. He watched as the ginger beauty continued to ignore him. He sighed, getting up to go to his other mate's office. She watched him leave. Guilt eating away at her. Maybe she was too mean. Did she hurt his fealings?

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