Imagine 4- Telling the world

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You and Theo had been dating for 4 weeks now and the pap's were getting dangerously close. Too close for comfort. You wanted to tell the world before the pap's did. At first Theo was against it but he's going with it. Today Theo's at another interview like always, but today is different, today he's going to tell everyone that your his girlfriend. You're nervous that people will be negative but you wanted this. 

You turn on the TV and go to channel 237 where Theo's interview is being held.

"So, Theo, it's lovely to have you back here!"

The interviewer was a cheery lady who looked about 32.

"The pleasures mine."

"We have heard some rumours lately that you have a girlfriend. Are these rumours true?"

"Yea, they are. I'm dating this amazing girl. She's everything a guy could ask for."

You smile. He's so charming.

"Aww. So can I ask you something?"

"You just did."

They both chuckle and Theo speaks,

"Sure. Hit me."

"How would you describe your girlfriend."

He paused a second, smiling to himself, then answering,

"Hot damn!"

You can't help but laugh. He's cute. The lady also laughed and so did he.

"Well! We can't wait to meet this girl."

"You'll be able to see her soon, at the premiere actually."

"Well you heard him folks! We will be meeting the lovely, beautiful..."


"At the premiere! Keep your eyes peeled!" 

They both chuckle.

"Join us next time on Cosmopolitan!"

They both wave at the TV and the commercials come on. Soon after you get a phone call,


"Hey babe!"


"So, was that alright?"

"That was perfect. I miss you so much."

"I miss you too. I'll be back tomorrow."

"Ok. Love you!"

"Love you too!"

You hang up and turn the channel to food network. The world now knows about you and Theo.


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