Imagine 33- With Time

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How could I have been so stupid, so naive? I put too much trust into people and end up breaking my own heart.


It's been a long two months since Josh, my now ex-boyfriend, broke up with me. I thought he was the one and I thought that if I put all of my time and effort into him that he would feel the same way. What I got in return was a cheating, lying, and manipulative boyfriend who I couldn't say no to. No matter how much I tell myself that I'm better off now, a part of me still misses him in some twisted way.

I decided that today I would have a good day.


"Thank you!" I sipped happily on my iced coffee.

"Have a nice day!" I smiled and walked out of McDonalds. Money was tight but since today was going to be a good day, an iced coffee from McDonald's would make it better. I quickly hopped into my car and drove off to work.

I worked as a receptionist for some sort of beauty company. I never really cared to remember what company I worked for because it wasn't necessary. Being a receptionist isn't as easy as I thought it would be. You have to be the face of the company for whoever that is. I'm told to be confident, kind and beautiful which is sometimes hard to do but the hardest one was to always be happy. These past two months have been some of the worst but in order to keep this good paying job, I had to at least try.


The coffee soon ran out and saying hello with a smile on my face was getting harder by the minute until someone caught my eye. It took me a second to recognize him but it was an old college friend of mine, Theo James.

"Hello!" I put on the best smile I could and tried not to sound too tired.

"Well I'll be damned. Y/n is that you?" Theo's accent gave you a real reason to smile and the smile that you received from him made your day much better.

"The one and only." You winked and laughed softly. This was the first time in months that you genuinely felt happy.

"I have to go and meet some people but promise you'll still be here when I'm done?" You nodded gently to answer his question. He then stole a pen and sticky note from your desk and started writing something. "If you have to leave before I'm out, shoot me a text." He smirked then walked away, leaving his number in your hands.


Despite saying you'd stay until Theo was done, your shift had ended and you had already stayed an hour longer than you needed. He still hadn't shown up and you shook your head as you left.

I always do this to myself. I get my hopes up and then I'm let down. Why do I put so much trust into people?

Your thoughts consumed you, you couldn't even get out of the parking lot. You sighed and held Theo's crumpled up number in your hand. You felt like maybe meeting him again was a sign so you took a deep breath and texted him something simple.

You: I'm just about to leave

You waited for a few seconds, hoping that he would respond but you assumed he didn't care that much and quickly shoved your phone into your purse. You were disappointed until you heard your phone ringing and you quickly picked it up.

"Hello?" There was a short moment of silence before you heard his voice.

"You still at the building?" You smiled softly hearing Theo. His words were choppy as if he were out of breath.

"Yeah, I'm just sitting in the parking lot, why?" You knew full well why he was asking, you just wanted to hear him say it.

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