Imagine 12- First Baby

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"One more big push!"

You pushed as hard as you could and screamed in agonizing pain while holding your husband, Theo's, hand tight.

"It's a baby girl!"

You hear your little princess crying and you, too, start crying tears of joy. Theo looks down at you and smiles,

"You did it. You brought our little girl into the world."

"I couldn't have done it without you."

Theo smiles and kisses your sweaty forehead, then takes your hand and kisses the back and holds your hand tight as you both wait for your daughter. The nurse cleaned her off and wrapped her in a diaper and cloth then handed her over,

"Congratulations! She's a beautiful and healthy little girl."

You take your daughter and cradle her in your arms, supporting her head. She's the most precious little girl and she's yours. You kiss her on the forehead and a tear of joy escapes your eye as you smile down at her. You look up to see Theo watching your daughters every movement and smiling. You lean over and kiss him on the forehead as well. He looks up at you and kisses your lips,

"She's so beautiful. May I?"

He sticks his arms out as a sign he wants to hold her.

"Of course. She's your daughter as well."

He smiles and you hand your daughter over to Theo. He takes her and holds her as if she were going to break. He lightly shifted her and kissed her forehead. He smiles down at her once again and looks up at you.

"She looks just like you."

"How can you tell?"

"She's got your mouth and chin. Also a little button nose which is like yours."

As you talk, your little girl hastily opened her eyes.

"Theo look! She's opening her eyes!"

You both look down at her while she opens her eyes. You both look down at her in awe. He smiles,

"And she has your eyes."

"Well she's half you, half me so there must be something of yours that you share with her?"

"Maybe she has my great personality."

He chuckles and you do too,

"If she has your personality I would be the luckiest mom on the planet."

He kisses you and hands your daughter back giving her one more kiss on the forehead.



He looks up and smiles,


"I thought you didn't like that name."

"I didn't but now I do. It suits her."

"Lainey. I love it. Lainey Elizabeth James."

He puts his arm around your shoulder and places the other around Lainey in a protective manner,

"My girls."

And there you sat with your husband and daughter in the hospital room, admiring the wonderful things in life.

Lainey Elizabeth James. My baby girl. My precious little girl.


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