Chapter 6

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“Jake, what’s wrong? I asked, how calm I sounded surprised me. He didn’t answer. “Ja-cob?!” I said making his name into two syllables. I sat down next to him draping my arm carefully around his shoulders. He looked towards the ground and then back to me. His dark eyes pierced into mine to the point where I swore he could see into my soul. “Sam is dead,” he simply said. “He’s dead.”  He pressed his face into the place where my shoulder met my neck and sobbed. I couldn’t help but let a few of my own tears escape but I brushed them away before he noticed them. ‘Be strong Renesmee, for Jake. He needs you.’ I reminded myself and pulled it together. ‘He needs you,’ I chanted to myself over and over again like some inner mantra.

I wrapped arms more tightly around him and shifted my weight a bit to make myself more comfortable. After a while he moved his head so that he was staring up at me. “You must think I am a cry-baby, I was like this when Billy died. Now I’m doing the same thing with Sam.” He said his voice cracked on a few words. I was shocked. Was this what he thought? He thought he was being a cry-baby? “Jacob you listen to me, you are NOT a cry-baby! Sam was like your bother. He was in your pack!” A few tears sprung to my own eyes as the realization that Sam, my very own stand-in- father, was gone. “Nessie how can you even be with me? You just held your grown boyfriend while he cried! I should be the one holding you! How ca” I cut him off by placing my hand over his mouth.

“Don’t ever say that again! I love you Jake and if you need to cry then cry don’t hold it in because you’re trying to me my “man” or my “protector”!

“I love you so much,” he whispered leaning forward to press his lips against mine. I kissed him back loving the feeling his familiar chapped lips against mine. We both pulled away after what felt like hours. “I know you do Jake, I know.”

We eventually got up and made our way back to the house. We opened the door to find my father pacing in the foyer. Bella stood leaning against a wall watching him. “Jacob, what happened? What’s going on?!” My father demanded.

“I think we need to have a family meeting so I don’t have to retell the story,” Jake whispered. He looked utterly broken so I squeezed his hand and gave him a reassuring smile. “Family meeting!” Bella yelled knowing everyone would hear her. We all made our way to the dining room. Being a house full of vampires except for Jacob and me the dining table was really only used for meetings such as ones like this.

We all took our seats. I sat next to Jacob and Esme across from us was Carlisle and my parents. At the two ends of the table were Rose and Emmett. “Well, Jacob would you care to explain?” asked Carlisle. “Well…” he began as he explained what happened. As it turns out Sam and the new pack member, Joseph, had gotten into a fight and it ended badly. Jacob wasn’t sure if it was on purpose or if it was an accident seeing as we all knew that Joseph wanted to be promoted from beta to alpha. “Jake isn’t it against pack law to kill a brother?” asked Jasper.

“Yes it is but the elders are protecting him. I don’t know why but they are saying that because he is new we should give him a chance. They all believe it was an accident.”

“When’s the funeral?” Emmett asked. Jacob shrugged and said,

“Hope all of you and I mean all of you,” he sent a pointed look Rosalie’s way “will come.”

“Of course Jake, we wouldn’t miss it,” Bella said.

“Well I guess you and Jacob would like some food,” said Esme as everybody left the room. I nodded. “Can I just have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?”

“Me too but can I have three?” asked Jake.

“Of course,” said Esme. She then disappeared into the kitchen.

Jacob slumped in his chair and his stomach growled. “Aw, my poor hungry wolf,” I said reaching out the touch his arm. He laughed and pulled me across into his lap. His laughter was such a good sound, so much better than his heartbreaking sobs from before. “Here you go,” Esme said placing two plates in front of us. We ate quickly so that we could join the discussion in the lounge room.

The rest of the day passed quickly. All we really did was lounge around. I hadn’t left Jacob’s arms the whole time. “Nessie would you sleep in my room tonight, I already asked Edward?” Jacob asked. “Sure Jake but when did you ask him?” I replied.

“Mindreading, remember Ness?” said Edward. “I know he doesn’t want to be alone tonight. Remember Jacob we can all hear you and I will know what’s going on up there.” He threatened. Jacob nodded.

“You ready for bed?” I yawned a few hours later.

“Yep,” he said popping the ‘P’. We did the rounds saying goodnight to everyone, well I said the rounds Jacob just followed me. He seemed sort of out of it but I guess he had good reason to be out of it. After showering I crawled into bed next to Jacob. I rested my head on his warm chest and drifted off to sleep. 

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