Chapter 3

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Chapter Three

Renesmee Cullen

The moment we walked through the door Alice came running over to us. “Renesmee Cullen, what were you thinking?” Great she used my full name this should be good. “You just got into the water in your clothes?! I thought that was your favourite outfit, look at your stockings they’re full holes and I’m never going to get those stains out what have you two got to say for yourselves?” This was not like Alice but when it came to clothes she could be ruthless. “Alice it’s no big deal just let it go, it was my fault anyway. Don’t talk to her like that.” Jacob said oddly calm. It was just like him to take the blame for me “No it’s my fault, and I guess I just wasn’t thinking,” I said. Alice shook her head as if to shake off the anger just as Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett walked into the room. “You should get changed or you might get sick,” Alice said her tone softer now. Jasper ruffled my hair and asked “are you coming hunting with us?” I shook my head. “Ok, Alice?” He took her hand and led her out the door. With Rosalie and Emmett in tow they disappeared into the dark night.

                                 *                                   *

After changing I came back downstairs in my favourite old sweat pants and one of Jacob’s hoodies. In the family room Jacob was sprawled over one of the couches. Bella and Edward were on the other one. I could hear the faint voices of Carlisle and Esme in the kitchen. Esme was practicing a new recipe for Jacob and me to try.  Jacob looked up at me and smiled. He extended he arms out to me. I took a few steps before falling into them. I lay next to him on the wide couch it was warm and safe in his arms, I felt like nothing could hurt me not ever. “I liked it better when your clothes were wet and almost see through,” Jacob whispered in my ear his warm breathe send tingles down my spine. I giggled at the same time Edward growled. Edward pushed Bella off of him and stood towering over us. “What did you say?!”He yelled. Jacob stood quickly carefully pushing me behind him as if to protect me. “It was a joke calm down.” Jacob yelled back.  He we go again I thought.

“You can’t joke about those things Jacob especially with my daughter!”

“Oh come on, as if I would ever do anything to her!”

“You and I both know that if I wasn’t around you would!” Edward was growling now. Jacob was shaking with anger that had really hit below the belt for him.

 “That is a lie!” Jacob roared taking a step forward about the phase at any moment.

“Jacob, NO!” I screeched. I knew he was going to attack my father and I knew he would lose as always but this time I was sure he wouldn’t survive it.  I had to do something so I flung myself between them at the same time Bella did. It was the only way we knew how to stop them when it came to this.  “Stop it now! Both of you are ruining Nessie’s birthday all because of a silly remark made by Jacob,” Yelled Bella.

That really seemed to calm them down a lot. “Nessie I’m so sorry I’ve ruined everything,” said Jacob wrapping his arms around me.

“Don’t touch me,” I said softly but as coldly as I could manage.

“Renesmee?” He asked stroking my face.

“I said don’t touch me.” I said angrily. From the corner of my eye I saw that Edward we smirking at Jacob. He was probably happy about this. “Wipe that stupid smirk of your face dad. This is every bit your fault as it is Jacob’s”

“Sorry Nessie, you know I over react sometimes,” He said sounding genuine.  “Save it,” I said through my tears.

“Don’t follow me!” I thought to Edward as I ran upstairs to my room. I fell on to the bed and cried. How could they do this to me? They do this all the time but why on my Birthday? For crying out loud. A few minutes into my cry-fest there was a slight tap on the door. “Whose there?” I asked.

“Mum,” said Bella as she opened the door. That was all she said. It was all she needed to. She wrapped her arms around me and soothed me to sleep. 

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