Chapter 4

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OK so I'm updating for those 2 who commented. This isn't very good at all as a wrote it a long time ago. It's also not very long maybe I will update later on tonight :) xx  Please comment and fan 

Chapter Four

Renesmee Cullen

I woke up in a daze with a pounding head from crying. I looked around me and it all came screaming back, last night and the fight. I groaned. There was a noise coming from the other side of my door, the noise that had woken me up. It took me a few moments to work out that it was music. It was familiar music too. Oh it’s the song Jacob and I danced to at prom, 4 real by Avril Lavigne, I remember as we were dancing Jacob had dubbed it ‘our song’ or some romantic shit like that, it was really cute anyway.

Reluctantly I swung my legs out of bed and got up to tell him shut it because I couldn’t sleep with all noise. Angrily I pushed the door open. Because I wasn’t expecting Jacob to be standing there I nearly had a heart attack. He was standing there sporting my favourite goofy grin holding one single long-stemmed red rose out to me. In his other hand was a small battery powered iPod dock the source of the music. It was funny I opened the door to yell at him but the way he was looking at me made me forget my own name. I swallowed. “Do you do that just to irritate me?” I asked

“Do what? I thought this was romantic.” He looked upset he obviously didn’t understand I was joking. “You make it so hard to be mad at you. I was just about ready to come out and bite your head off and you-you smile at me like that and I practically forget my own name.” I laughed.  He took my hand in his.

“But I haven’t even said sorry yet.”  He almost whined

“Then say it now.” I said taking the rose and smelling it. He pulled my free hand to his chest where his heart is. “Renesmee I am so, so, so, sorry. I cannot believe my actions, on your birthday too. It’s just unforgivable, can you forgive me?” He asked me. I burst out laughing I couldn’t help it. “What?” He asked his feelings hurt.

“Nothing, it’s just you said what you did was unforgivable then you asked me if I could forgive you.” I started laughing again this time he laughed as well. “You haven’t answered my question yet,” He said. “Of course I will forgive you silly.” I said wrapping my arms around his neck standing on my tip-toes I craned my neck to kiss him.

Edward walked into the hallway mid kiss. Jacob had his arms around me lifting me up close to his chest my feet weren’t on the floor anymore. Edward cleared his throat to attract out attention and reluctantly Jacob put my down. “Hey daddy,” I said cheerfully.

“You’re not mad at me anymore?” He asked a little flash of confusion swept across his features. I guessed Bella was shielding me. “No, I know you only do it to protect me,” I said wrapping my arms around his waist. I looked up at him to smile innocently. He laughed “I should’ve known.”

“What?” Asked Jacob a little annoyed about being left out of the hug but because I was hugging Edward I knew he wouldn’t dare to come any closer than he already was.  “Esme is making you guys a big breakfast to try and make things better. You know she can’t stand all of this negativity.” Edward said carefully peeling my arms off of him and turning around “come on she’s waiting.”

I took Jacob’s hand and we followed him down into the kitchen. Esme, Bella and Carlisle were all there. Esme and Bella were talking while Esme stood over the stove cooking a delicious looking omelette. Carlisle was looking through the fridge humming something familiar. “Hey baby,” said Bella “we’ve got a surprise for you.” She pushed a white steaming mug towards me. The smell hit me before I even realised what it was, it was an amazing intoxicating smell that I hadn’t smelt in a long time. They barely ever let me have this without actually going hunting, something that lately as my human side has been pretty dominant I haven’t been up to. My favourite food in the world, blood.  My face lit up as I lifted the cup to my lips. I swallowed letting the warm thick liquid glide down my throat. I was in my own world nothing else mattered except for the blood.

I tore my eyes open. Wait when did I shut them? I looked around nobody was really paying attention to me. Good. “Ew, Renesmee how can you drink that it smells horrible,” said Jacob between bites of his omelette. I evilly and waved the cup rite under his nose. “Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew. Get it away!” He yelled pushing my arm away. “It’s not that bad you know Jacob,” said Carlisle putting a plate in front of me. “Yum thanks Carlisle,” I said.(he didn’t like being called a grandpa he said he was too young) I admired the beautiful plate of food he had set in front of me. “Well guys, I’ve got to go to work now,” Carlisle said before kissing Esme sweetly on the cheek. I let my eyes trail after him. What he does was really amazing I don’t think I would ever be able to do that. Sometimes even I had trouble with thirst.

With that my throat burned. I quickly took a sip of the crimson liquid in my cup to pacify the burn. We all looked towards the window when we heard loud splashes coming from the pool. “It’s Jasper and Emmett,” said Edward with a smile “Do you guys want to join them?”

“Sure,” I said smiling “I love swimming.”

“That’s why we have the pool honey,” laughed Esme.

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