Me Myself and I (trailer to side)

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I decided all my other books have been trash when i wrote them on my phone so now I am on my laptop! I REALLY hope you like it! *I am 14 so no nasty scenes or cussing also I just turned 14 so im a newb at highschool classes and well cuz im not in it yet till july but ill try to make it worth your while! comment, like, vote, add to your library for goodness sake!


                               *Dream- As I lay next to my mystery man flowers are scattered everywhere. The vanilla scent of the candles that are lit, dance their way up to my nose putting me in a state of peace and relaxation. He grabs  my hand and leads me towards the glass door, as we go outside i gasp in surprise, As I see Blue Jays, Red robins and many birds perched up on the tree, Singing their song of beauty. I hear a deep husky chuckle behind me, I turn to see him taking his glasses and hoodie off.-* <3

   As my alarm started buzzing and ringing, I finally awoke from my relaxing slumber and decided to face reality, there is no prince, no knight in shining armor. I opened my eyes seeing very blurry, I stumbled out of my bed and gave the floor a good morning kiss I suppose. I pushed my arms up and tried to get up but then my stepdad opened the door, knocking me over once again. I groaned in pain and just stayed there. " HEY SLEEPYHEAD ITS TIME TO WAKE UP! FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! YOU CANT JUST BE LYING DOWN!" He screamed in one of the happiest tones I've ever heard in my life. I stood up swaying around then stumbled into my closet and grabbed some ripped dark blue skinny jeans, a gray shirt that had pink floral print on the sleeves, and bright neon pink vans with no-show socks.

I went to the kitchen to grab a doughnut for breakfast. I grabbed my keys and I was off to school. I started the engine and it purred to life. Ah beautiful sound. I turned my radio on and Me,myself and I by G-eazy and Bebe Rhexa  came on. It played and while I sat there driving my mind drifted somewhere else, just noticing I was not the only one totally alone, Maybe other people only have music like me. With my family constantly fighting, slamming doors and throwing stuff, lying ex boyfriends, backstabbing best friends. Music has been there through everything. As my car started moving off the road my mind resurfaced and I swerved too roughly but luckily I could steady the car before anything life threatening could happen.

As I scurried around through the crowd of tall teenage guys and girls. I am 17 and only 5'5, my eyes are crystal blue, my skin is pale but my cheeks get flushed a lot, and honestly, I just keep to myself  many people say I am a smart alec but I only know that, I freak out and that is what comes out of my mouth. I see many familiar faces and tell myself its the last year year I am stuck in this place. I go to my locker and put my backpack in and grab my schedule lets see. chemistry is first, that is great because I actually really enjoy it. AS I walk in Mr.Monte says " Everyone stand up, grab your stuff,and head to the back of the class!" we do as told and  He calls out names for partners..OH Jeez i cant wait! note the extreme sarcasm. "Ms.Jade, you will be with Mr...Ryder.. Ash Ryder to BE exact since there are two in here." I let out a sigh. I take my seat and smile pleasantly that he is not in....BAM! The door swings open and in walks the two amazingly hot, fine, jerkfaces of the century! How cliche.

"SO TEACH! WHERE DO I SIT?" Ash and chase both ask. Mr.Monte sighs and points to where they are assigned to sit. Ash SMIRKS at me! HE HAS THE AUDACITY TO USE HIS GREEK GOD LOOKING FACE TO SMIRK! THAT STUPID NUT FACED GROSS PLAYER LOOKING BEAUTIFUL FACE! I blush and look away then mentally facepalm for blushing, Why would I blush at a stupid jerk? Even if he is the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. "I do not know sweetheart why would you blush? and Oh thanks tell me something I don't know."  I looked at him with wide eyes, then I muttered " I was not talking about you ... I was talking about my goldfish Bob." He started laughing and might I say his laugh is so soothing. Mr.Monte looked at us and said "DETENTION! AFTER SCHOOL!" Ash laughed and said I have nothing better to do anyway." By now you can see the vain popping out in Mr.Montes' neck and his face like a tomato.

3...2..1. "BOTH OF YOU OUT! NOW! GET OUT OF MY FLIPPIN CLASS RIGHT NOW!" I did not even argue I just walked out and headed towards the office. "Hello there.'' Ash says huskily. I look down and keep walking but he grabs my wrists pushing me against the wall "Listen little nerd, you are mine, any guy dares taking you away and he will pay, deal?" He whispers aggressively . I nod out of fear and he says "see you at detention then." He grabs my hand and kisses it. "Next time don't make me yell for you baby girl."  with that he left, leaving me dumbfounded . BABY GIRL??? IS THIS DUDE CRAZY?? HE MUST BE OUT OF HIS MIND!!! I went to my car and fell asleep. when 3 came around I walked back into school and found the detention room. I put my hoodie over my head and was about to fall asleep when i felt a tap on my shoulder. I groaned " Ash go away im sleepy!" I heard a deep chuckle. "Well love, sorry to interrupt but Im Chase not Ash and I was just wondering if you have  a pencil.." I pulled my hoodie down grabbing a pencil out of the bag "There ya go, sorry about that."

He smiled showing his whitened teeth. " Its fine i know Ash is annoying ." I laughed and an hour went by so quickly. I ate, washed my hair then went to sleep. I am so excited for what Tuesday has in store....not


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