I want you

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            She said that to tick me off? Well, it worked. A lot. I almost tracked this guy down. I do not know how I should ask her out. Should I be blunt or sweet or both or should I wait. Her voice cut through my thoughts. "Okay, well, Zayn is moving here but I would never like him like that." She scratched the back of her  neck. oh fucking grand. I bet he's hot. And I bet he can make pancakes. Christ. Snap out of it you weirdo, now listen here.

       You are gonna stop talking to yourself and your gonna ask her out. I was laying on her bed now hoping she hasn't said anything for at least five minutes, I grabbed her waist and pulled her on top of me. "So, Ivanna, how do you feel about giving me, Asher, the great honor of being my girlfriend?" I asked trying not to sound arrogant.

She looked at me wide eyed and then smirked. "Nope." She said quickly and tried to get up. Keyword here guys. Tried. Knowing me, I do not go well with rejection, so when she tried get up I pulled her back down on me and I put my mouth close to her ear and whispered,"sweetheart I tried being nice about it but that didn't work and we both know your mind already it's not a question, I knew you would play your little games and guess what." I whispered huskily in her ear watching her break down in my hands. She gulped and whispered "what?"

          In one second I had smashed her lips to mine and kissed her roughly showing her I'm in charge. After she let go she said "fine, you deserve the honors." I smiled to myself knowing I had the most beautiful girl in the world.

We just stayed on her bed that night. Doing things I never thought I'd do in a million years, like playing with her hair and kissing her cheeks till she groaned and tried pushing me off. I think I'm going soft. I'm more ways then one. Yeah just kidding. I need help.

So we have school today. I'm so excited. No I'm not. Hell, I'll pass on meeting this zayn guy but after what happened to Ivanna and Jessica I figured out recently I need to be there to protect her. Well not recently I've always known that but now more than ever I need to be by her side.

I got up and showered real quick then grabbed some faded denim jeans and a black shirt and my black and white Adidas's. I hopped in my car and drove to Ivannas' house. I ran right through the door and focused on going up the stairs when I ran straight into her dad. "Oh, I'm so sorry sir!" I blurted out of nervousness. He shook his head and picked up his files "damn kids these days." He responded gruffly. Jesus Christ what's his problem. I laughed nervously "yeah once again, I'm so sorry." I ran upstairs and seen Ivanna sleeping peacefully. I went to her closet and found all of her crop tops (which is half of her closet) and hid them in a place she'd never look.

           Then I picked out form fitting v cut black tee shirt and some faded blue skinny jeans and boots that we're black and went to the knee. Then I laid it in her bathroom and walked to her bed and plopped down only putting half my weight on her. "Baby girl. Wake up, you need to go shower and then we need to go to school." Now she was between my knees and I  was showering her with kisses. She started mumbling so I pecked her lips and her eyes shot open and she smiled and kissed me again.

She got up and pulled me up too. "Come on, come shower with me." Everything in my body was saying yes, practically begging me to. "I'm sorry babe I already showered, I'll be right here after though." She frowned and nodded. 

I ran downstairs and sliced up strawberries and put them in a bowl, cooked apple and cinnamon oatmeal, cooked some bacon and made an omelet. Thank God everyone was gone because I was not about to share.

I put all the food on a tray and brought it up to her room. I didn't hear the shower, or see her. Oh good what if- I'm cut off by feeling hands on my shoulder and I turn around to see my beautiful girlfriend in nothing but a lace bra and panties. I covered my eyes. "baby, as much as I want this to happen, you need to eat and get dressed so we can go to school and see your friend Zayn and I'm not gonna let your first be like this." I heard her sigh and pull up her pants. When did my innocent ivanna get so horny? Hmm. She finished eating then we got in the car and headed to school.

As soon as I parked she ran out and jumped into a guys arms and he spun her around. I sucked in a breath and tried to remind myself that he's her lost child hood friend. The guy was far from ugly and I kind of felt threatened. He had porcelain skin and bright blue eyes, and black touseled hair. He had on ripped jeans and a thrasher hoodie. "Fuck, why couldn't he be ugly" I thought to myself.

I walked up to them and cleared my throat. "I think that's quite enough amor." I spoke to Ivanna calmly. He let go of her but kept his hand on her waist. "Hmm I'm going to guess you're the boyfriend?" He asked casually. I looked at her and smiled. "You would be correct."

She grabbed my hand and linked arms with him. "Well you two, it looks like we have French class to go to."

"Okay so I haven't told you guys this till now but our class will be taking a trip to Paris, venice, London and Athens. The trip will be $2,500 dollars, I know it's a little costly but we will be staying in 5 star hotels, learning from the best and flying first class. I nodded understandingly." The teacher spent the whole class going over all the details. "By the way you have three months to collect your money." Then the bell rang.

I looked at zayn and Ivanna, "So you guys going?" They both smiled. "Hell yeah" they said in unison. "Jinks" "double jinks" "you owe me a Coke." I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Okay creeps cut it out, it looks like we are going to Europe soon."

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