One less person to love

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EXPLICIT LANGUAGE! Please be aware this is necessary for this situation! If you do not like the language or the bad thoughts about self harming then guess what. SKIP IT! I do not approve of self harming but I do understand why it exists. Just please know someone will remember you and as tough as it gets you have to push through. Let your experience mold you into the person you want to be. Thanks for reading and being patient! I love you guys more than you know!

Ivanna's p.o.v
It does not feel real. I'm going to wake up and it's all going to be one sick nightmare. I just I can't comprehend it. I bite my lip so I don't cry for the hundredth time today. I had my black dress on. I had my hair curled and I had red lipstick on. Minimal black eyeshadow. Chase used to always get mad at me when I had a lot of make up on. "Ivy take it off right now! You are gorgeous I don't want to see that acne causing, money wasting junk on your gorgeous face." I could remember that day so clear. I remember loving him. I remember how cute his pout was and how it melted my heart. I remember giving up and washing it off just to see his big grin. He reminded me of a child who just got a new toy. Now I'm getting ready for his funeral. Why do I feel like he knew he was gonna die? I thought it was peculiar that he wanted to say goodbye but he did used to say his dreams were like predicting the future. Maybe they were robbed. I swear if my sister is not there. I swear. I know she's okay. It's a feeling. I have a strange feeling that she had something to do with his death. I just know it. You know why? Because SHES A FUCKING PSYCHOPATH. That is not my sweet sister. That is a self absorbed slut. She killed my friend! Mine! She just ruins my life! I used to believe I was alone. I believed no one would ever want to be my friend because I'm not as good as karli. You know what I think now? I don't think I'm my mothers mistake. I believe karli is. I slam my hand on the counter and fall against the wall curling up into a ball. He's gone. Chase Alex Ryder is dead. Our first date popped into my head and I remember the trouble he went through, the hot tub, the food, the movie. Everything was perfect and I ruined it. So in a way it's my fault he's dead. I held onto the bracelet he gave as a friendship pact, I remember telling him no and him insisting. God why him? What monster could kill such a kind soul? "Ivy sweet heart we need to be leaving soon the funeral starts in twenty minutes!" I dry my tears and fix my mascara and walk down to the kitchen. After today I will realize nothing will ever be the same again.

Asher's p.o.v
He's dead. He's dead. He's dead. I repeat to myself. Then I think wait who is dead? Your brother or you? Might as well be both. I'm dead. My soul is numb. My mind is hazy. I havent cried. I just don't know how I'm going to cope without him. We were in the womb together for God's sake, we had our first bath together, he was my bestfriend. It was Ash and chase. That was us. We were the twins. Now it's just poor Asher. Mom is locked in her room. She hasn't eaten in days. Dads gone for business, that hero didn't even call to say anything; that bastard. He was chases favorite parent, chase idolized that man with his life and he's not even gonna be here for his funeral. Who could do that and live with himself.
I'm gonna go to the funeral. May my brother rest in the stars where he belongs.
Shawn's p.o.v

I'm shocked. Honestly. I hate Asher but I seen chase as a brother. I do pity Asher there's no telling how much he hurts right now. But I can say that now we are even and that's petty but it's true. He knows how it feels too lose someone so close now. Wow I'm such an awful person for thinking that. I will do my best to make ammends with Ash. I think I may break up with Ivy soon. Her life is too dramatic and I only see her as a friend she just, I can tell she likes Asher and I can't get over my love. I'm not sure if I ever will. I relive that night with her every time my eyes close. If I commited suicide my love would be very upset with me. I breath to feel her lips against mine, the soft touch of her hands again. I'm not sure anymore. As if right now I will be a good boyfriend to Ivy and accompany her to her exs funeral. May he rest in peace wherever he lie.

Karli's p.o.v

At least he's dead. I did my job, I got my revenge now that's over with, I will have to leave and stay gone. I will run my gang some way but if I stay here I know people are getting suspicious about my disappearance and if I were to ever get caught by Ashers gang I'm good as dead. His gang like mine, has no mercy. I've found one of my men after Asher got a hold of him and I almost got sick. That's very suprising honestly. They probably questioned him and when he didn't answer they started cutting toes, then fingers, the loyalty of him intrigues me. Then they cut his ears and his nose, cut their gang sign on the side of his head and then stabbed him. On a different note, chases funeral is today. All I have to say is bitches get stitches, or I kill them and we both burn in hell.

Woah karli calm down anyway. I hoped you guys liked it. It's a crazy chapter but hey oh well. I've been mourning so writing helps. I love you guys! Xo -Sav

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