moving on

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Ivanna's p.o.v
"Initially I wonder why I fool with you, but this is new to me, this is new too you." (location- Khalid)

(loosing it all- Imad royal)

The hours, days, months, passed in a blur. The numbness didn't go away but it became weaker. Chase still has a part of my heart. I'm not sure if it is as a friend or a lover but now it is too late. Karli has been missing since the day he died. I could care less if the bitch is dead or not. Me and Asher have gotten closer. We hang out every day after school, I'm glad we can be friends and it not be as.. awkward as it used to be. We normally just talk about Chase but I think that is good for us. I have seen Ash when he bottles his emotions. It turns into a very hostile situation.

There's always been a part of me that is so drawn to his player ways. I don't know being with him is a thrill, it's exhilarating, gets my adrenaline pumped.

"Ashy!" I mock in a flirty tone and poke his side repeatedly. He lets out a grunt and continues typing. "Ashy why dont you live me!" I throw myself on his lap and act dramatic. He sighs. "Can you get off me fatty, to much junk food." He chokes out between laughs. I glare at him but keep my back on his lap. "Oh come on I was kidding don't give me that look love." His voice got really serious. I laughed silently "duh. By the way my mom wanted to know if you and your family would eat dinner with us." He thought for a second, "That should not be a problem." He muttered. I jumped off his lap and kissed his cheek. "Well gotta go you troublesome bad boy." I turn around and smirk."By the way I hope you are there by seven." I winked and scurried out laughing to myself unable to understand the game Im playing, I mean it is harmless. His face, Oh my you should have seen his face.

I go home and curl my natural platinum blonde hair letting it fall loosely down my back, I put on nude lipstick and blue glittery eyeshadow, then I curl my lashes and put mascara on. After I have made my face look decent I find a baby blue dress that goes a little past my thighs and is flowy and wear it to accent my eyes. Lastly I wear nude heels and im done. I run down stairs as I hear the door bell ring and I am too late. My mother is already holding Asher in a tight hug. I cleared my throat. "Mom you have dad, you cant get every guy you want." She chuckled to herself and ran a hand through her hair. "I don't know I think I still got it hun." I shook my head with amusement gleaming in my eyes. "Well you can have him, there are plenty of hot guys at my school." I spoke confidently. "My goodness, I better go get the food out of the oven! Asher, be a good boy and send your mom to the kitchen when she gets here." She quickly paced out of the living room. His eyes widened in embarrassment and I burst out laughing. "Yeah Ashy, be a good boy and point your mommy to the kitchen when she gets here." I fell on the floor holding my stomach.

My eyes started tearing up and his mom walked in. "Mom, Mrs.Jade wanted you to meet her in the kitchen." she nodded and said a quick thanks. Then I was swooped up into Asher's arms and he ran up the stairs. "You know, you are getting good exercise." I stated quietly. No chuckle, no smile, his eyes full of lust and as we got to my room my eyes widened and he kicked the door shut. He threw me on the bed roughly and hovered me. "You know I remember this happening before, then I thought you liked me but I walked in on you and Jessica kiss-" he smashed his lips onto mine and I grabbed his hair pulling him closer. My legs wrapped around his hips and then the door creaks. He jumps off and I flip around laying casually on my stomach and my feet in the air. "Aww aren't you two just the cutest thing! I can not wait till you guys get married and give me grand babies!" My mom squeals out. I gasped and Asher smirked. "In about five to six years." Her mood changed in matter of seconds. "Anywho dinner is ready, grab a drink and dig in." Ok, she's bipolar. No way in hell its otherwise. I got up avoiding Ashers gaze I could feel on my back.

As we sat in the dining room Asher sat next to me and his mom and my mom sat across from us she kept trying to drag on a conversation that was not happening. "So Ash, do you like anyone?'' He chuckled. "No, not yet." He replied with amusement laced in his voice. I stared down at my plate feeling a little angry but mostly I'm just numb as I hear him. "What about you honey?" My mom asks. I put on a fake smile. "Yeah, I do, It is this guy in my English class, He is sweet, and funny, and he is tall, and tan with black hair and blue eyes. His name is Zayn Williams." The chair next to me was pushed and I looked at Asher questioningly. "There is not a Zayn Williams in our English." Asher said. I laughed. "Not yet, He is from my old school, het texted me earlier and said he is moving here." Asher's face turned cold. "Cool, I don't fucking care." His mom gasped at his language and I inwardly smirked. "ASHER RYDER GET YOUR GRUMPY BUTT UP NOW APOLOGIZE AND GO HOME!" She screamed out. I sat knowingly with my arms crossed waiting for an apology. " I am sorry Mrs.Jade for the rude and inappropriate language." He grumbled. Then he walked out, oh well. I bid both mothers goodnight and headed up stairs.

I went to my room and changed into pajamas and fell into my bed drifting into sleep. I jumped up eyes wide as I heard something hit my window. I went over and looked on my balcony. And I seen Asher standing there with a frown. "what do you want?" I asked grimly. He rolled his eyes and whisper screamed "Let me in." I sighed and backed away from the window and he climbed on the rim of the house and then jumped on the balcony ledge a lot more gracefully than I would have. 

"Zayn williams." He stated incredulously. I laughed till I was wheezing and my side hurt. I smiled "I just made up that name." I smirked proudly at his dumb stricken face.

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