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Lexa's pov.

Today was the 2 month mark before the annual clan tournament. The one time of year that I could show no mercy on my opponent and not get punished by our rules we set forth many years ago. I always looked forward to this day because I was Woods Clan's best fighter and I haven't lost once ever since they made me their champion. No one from the Ice Nation, Mountain Dwellers, Boat Clan, Dessert Clan, Fire Clan, or Stone Clan could ever beat me no matter how hard they trained I always trained harder.

I was currently practicing with my sword on the edge of our territory when I saw the flash of light appear in the slightly passed noon sky then heard the slight roar of something in the distance. I stopped swinging my sword at the tree once I heard the noise and looked towards the sky only to see a giant ball of fire hurtling down towards the ground. I watched closely as it flew over the sky above me and passed in the Mountain Dwellers' territory. Within a second the snapping of trees could be heard and the earth roared in anger in less then a second. I nearly lost my balance because of the force but once regained I quickly headed back to the capitol to see if they were gonna send scouts to check out the strange object that fell from the sky.

I ran to my horse, Artonis, that I had tied up a few yards away then raced to Polis. He was a tall, obsidian black with a whiye streak going down his face, and extremely strong. It didn't take me long to get there seeing as I took the shortest route that was also the most dangerous but I'm not one to complain for good timing. It took a little over an hour before I was on the outskirts of Polis. I raced down the streets yelling at people to get out the way before reaching my destination. I bursted through the council doors, Artonis rearing up on his back legs and kicking the air with his front legs, and watched as they went from hushed serious men to almost dying of a heart attack. I tightened my grip on the reins and patted Artonis's neck to calm him down.

"What is the meaning of your sudden intrusion on our meeting." One of the council members snapped at me once he took a large breath to calm down.

I think his name is Lithen.

"Well I assumed this meeting is about the strange ball of fire crashing down into the Mountain Dwellers land." I answered while swiftly jumping off Artonis.

"Yes we are but I don't see why you had to burst in unannounced and in such a barbaric way." Another council scolded me.

"I came to offer my services to help with a scouting mission or a simple ambassador mission to talk with the Mountain Dwellers about the strange object." I said in a serious tone.

"A scouting group has already been sent with Anya in charge so you are not needed. Do not go after the group or we won't let you compete in this year's tournament." The council member who first scolded me said in a more polite tone.

"Yes councillor." I bowed while turning to the doors and quickly leaving with Artonis just a little behind me.

Once the grand doors closed behind me and the murmurs continued behind the door I started cursing under my breath at the councillor's words. I stood to the side of the walkway before mounting back on Artonis and riding back into the dense calming woods. I kept a light gallop all the way back to my original spot then let all my frustration out on the helpless tree before me for quite awhile.

"How dare he threaten to take away the one thing that makes the clans respect us." I cursed while cutting deep gashes into the fairly thick trunk.

"How dare he threaten me." I growled low and cutting extremely deep on this attack.

The tree was now forming a v the more attacked it and my final blow was the worst.

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