The Bed

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When Derek woke up for the second time, his senses were assaulted by the scent of bacon, eggs and syrupy pancakes. He was still on the couch but Stiles no longer lay in his arms. He sat up, rubbing his eyes and running a hand through his hair.
"I didn't know you were a snuggler." His head snapped up to see Stiles in the dining area setting out cutlery.

"I'm not." Derek sighed.
"The position we woke up in begs to differ." Stiles snorted. "Come eat some breakfast, Hulk." Derek rolled his eyes but did as he was told, sitting down at the table. "Coffee?" Stiles asked.
"Let me guess, no milk no sugar." He grinned.
"No milk, but one sugar."
"Aw. Snuggly with a sweet tooth."

Stiles disappeared into the kitchen and returned with two mugs emblazoned with the Batman emblem.
"You like Batman huh." Derek murmured.
"Duh. He's the best."
"I prefer wolverine."
"Why doesn't that surprise me." Stiles smirked.

Derek raised an eyebrow. The younger man left again and returned with three plates precariously balanced in his arms, Derek moved to help him but Stiles shook his head and expertly set them down on the table.
"I was a waiter back in college." He smiled almost shyly, scratching his neck absentmindedly.
"I can see it."
"Isn't it a little early for fantasies of me in an apron?" He smirked.
"It's a little early for you in general." Derek muttered.

As expected, Stiles took no offence and began piling food on his plate and Derek followed suit. He expected to feel awkward about his impromptu sleeping over, but oddly, the situation felt normal, almost natural. He  was also pleasantly surprised to find that Stiles was not a bad cook either, he tucked in to his food heartily.

"S'good." He complimented through a mouthful of bacon. Stiles raised an eyebrow but smiled gratefully, making Derek's heart falter momentarily. What was going on with him? He decided it was time to think objectively, he had work to do and playing house with Stiles was really screwing with his brain. He polished off the rest of his plate and brushed his hands together. "Where's your bathroom?" He asked.

Stiles looked up from his cup of coffee, his cheeks slightly pink.
"Uh, it's just down there, second door." He pointed Derek in the right direction and began collecting the empty plates. Derek pushed his chair back underneath the table and made for the bathroom. Just as he passed the first door, he noticed that it was open and presumably Stiles' room. He paused, listening to his two consciences argue over whether or not to look inside.

Eventually, curiosity won over and he peeked inside, feeling guilty. The room was predictably the same size as his own, white walls decorated with various comic posters and photos of Stiles and friends. A bedside table sat on the left side of the room underneath the window and bore a few comic books and an angled lamp. The room was relatively tidy, save for the pieces of wood that lay haphazardly around the floor and a double mattress in the middle of the chaos.

It didn't particularly surprise Derek that it was beyond Stiles to even assemble a bed, but he couldn't help but feel the need to do it for him. It was a side effect of being a handy man, anything that he saw that needed fixing or improvement he ached to work on.

"Done snooping?" Derek jumped in shock at the sound of a mildly irritated Stiles right behind him. "I believe I said the bathroom was the second door." He reiterated, evidently embarrassed.
"You ever gonna put that together?" Derek blurted, Stiles blushed.
"I was gonna get my friend to help but I guess I've been busy with work and stuff."

Derek eyed the disassembled structure longingly, hoping Stiles would just ask.
"You think... You think you could do it?" Stiles suggested, ears bright red and eyes on the floor.
"I guess. Don't you have to go to work?" He replied.
"Shit! Yes I do! Shit shit shit." Stiles exclaimed, brushing past Derek into the room.

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