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It would have been lying if Derek said he wasn't feeling mildly vengeful when he'd called up one of his ex-flames to go for a drink. All he'd been able to think about was the enthusiasm with which Stiles had hugged the mystery man and then invited him into his bedroom, probably to sleep together on the bed he'd fixed. He felt unbelievably stupid.

He put minimum effort into an outfit of black jeans and a black Henley, and left the house, hoping Stiles heard him leave at the stereotypical date time of 8. However, Stiles' apartment had been silent since Derek got back from grocery shopping half an hour ago.

It took him all of ten minutes to walk to the very same bar he'd visited with Stiles, and even less to spot Ryan. The short blond waved at him from a table for two, blue eyes glinting with excitement. Admittedly, it had been pretty low to call Ryan of all people since he'd been one of the more clingy one night stands who'd misinterpreted their situation. Derek didn't particularly care, Ryan was attractive, funny and had a similar sarcastic sense of humour that Stiles did.

He knew deep down that's what he'd been searching for in Ryan, a crappy replacement for the man he was really pining for, but he'd firmly decided he wasn't going to dwell on that. He walked over, smiling casually, then slid into the seat opposite Ryan and greeted him.

"Hey Derek, it's been a while huh." Ryan smiled brightly, pushing a drink across to Derek.
"Hm, yeah it has. What's this?" He asked, pointing at the drink.
"Oh, I just remembered what you drank the night we met is all." Ryan blushed at his statement, Derek assumed he was expecting him to find the sentiment cute or something but honestly it came off a little weird.

"Ah, thanks." He replied, taking a polite sip.
"So what have you been up to? I was honestly a little surprised you called me." Ryan wondered aloud, elbows on the table and resting his head on his hands. Derek had hoped he wouldn't be expected to come up with a reason so soon on their date but Ryan was jumping right in at the deep end.

"I guess I thought it'd be nice to catch up." He answered lamely, scolding himself internally for not coming up with something better. Ryan cocked an eyebrow at him, his expression giving away that he didn't believe a word of it.
"You sure that's all you wanted?" He said flirtatiously and Derek felt a sharp pang of guilt. He knew this was pathetic, it was his fault for involving himself so deeply with Stiles. He didn't particularly want to sleep with Ryan again, but what was the harm? He was cute and he didn't necessarily have to go all the way with him.

Just as he was about to reply, he heard a familiar voice in the direction of the bar. He craned his neck to see if it was real, or simply his mind playing tricks on him.

It wasn't. Stiles was seated at the bar with a man with curly, dirty blond hair and dark blue eyes. The man's expression was mischievous and even appeared to be flirting with Stiles. What the hell was going on? Derek had been certain that Stiles had something going on with the tanned guy that came to the apartment the other day? Unless, he'd gotten the wrong idea about Stiles completely. Was he promiscuous? Surely not.

"Something interesting over there?" Ryan interrupted his reverie and Derek snapped back to his current situation. He was seated opposite a guy he felt nothing for apart from a mild attraction while the man he really felt for was sat mere feet away from him with another man. It was all getting a little too much.
"Uh no, I just saw a friend that's all."
"Good, I want all your attention tonight." Ryan smirked.

"Stiles, your mind is playing tricks on you." Isaac sighed as he downed his shot, without even flinching.
"It's not!" Stiles protested. "That's him!" He hissed, even though he knew full well Derek couldn't hear him from where he was sat. Isaac redirected his attention from his drinks to Derek's table.

"So the guy you're into and is supposedly into you is the one sat with another dude?" Isaac retorted. Stiles' stomach was tying itself in knots. Who was Derek with? Why did this random guy's body language look so open and flirtatious? Were they on a date?
"Um, yeah it looks that way." Stiles mumbled, turning away from the scene that was causing his mind to go into overdrive.

"Not to be an asshole or anything, but that looks like a date." Isaac commented, eyeing Stiles worriedly.
"Never mind. To be honest I didn't really think he was into me, he's out of my league anyway." Stiles babbled, laughing a little too hard to hide the pain.
"Stiles? Are you okay?" Isaac asked, placing a hand on his arm.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. I guess I just, ya'know, I thought... Ok I'm not okay." He sighed in defeat, his head sinking into his hands. "I really thought we might have had something going... Maybe he was just leading me on for fun or something." He concluded, while Isaac listened, a sad look on his features.
"You wanna leave?" Isaac offered, getting his wallet out ready to pay.

"Yeah, I don't really wanna hurt my own feelings any more than they already are by sitting here." And with that, Isaac handed over the money for their drinks and they got up and left. Stiles fought to hold back the few tears that were pooling in his eyes. He felt ridiculous. He'd been so sure that Derek was at least a little interested in him, but maybe he only wanted to hook up.
It was silly, he'd convinced himself that it was a little crush that would go away once they got to know each other. But in actuality, Stiles had fallen hard and he wasn't sure if he could get back up

When Derek spotted Stiles leaving the bar with his companion, he immediately freaked out. Where were they going? What was going to happen when they got there? He suddenly felt a desperate need to get up and go home, he didn't want to sit in the bar idle while Stiles was stolen from under his nose by a guy he was pretty sure was not as attractive as he was.

He slipped his jacket on while Ryan was mid-sentence, talking about something that didn't interest Derek in the slightest.
"Where are you going?" Ryan asked, the look of shock and disappointment clear on his face.
"Uh, I have something to deal with at home." Derek explained pathetically, not even trying to sound convincing. Ryan's features lowered into anger and he stood as Derek did.

"You know, you're just the same as you were when I met you, flaky. You get what you want then you up and leave with no explanation. God knows why I even came." Ryan snapped. Derek could hardly bring himself to care, he knew he'd done almost the same thing to Stiles and in that moment, that was all that mattered to him.
"Sorry. It's not you I promise." Derek mumbled, tossing a few bills in Ryan's direction and making a hasty exit.
"Screw you Derek!" Ryan yelled after him, slamming his glass down on the table and shattering it, no doubt drawing the attention of the entire bar. Derek didn't care.

All that he cared about was Stiles.

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