Coffee Table

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A/N: You guys are gonna hate me so much hehehehe.

When he arrived home from work, a Stiles was delighted to find his bed perfectly assembled along with a mildly suggestive note from Derek. Of course, the double meaning that Stiles had picked up on was not what Derek meant.

He pulled his tie off and flopped down on the mattress, sighing loudly. He had forgotten how good his bed was in its full glory. Before he fell asleep, he got up and wandered to the living room and banged on the wall. A moment later there was no response, so he banged again even louder.

"My wall is not a musical instrument, Stiles." Derek's tired voice drifted through the wall. Stiles chuckled, he must have woken him up.
"Sorry, just wanted to say thanks for fixing the bed, it's so much comfier." Stiles smiled at the thought of Derek's grumpy face on the other side.

"Normally I'm breaking them not fixing them, but it's fine." Derek replied quietly. Stiles had to take a moment to let the full force of his words sink in. Had he really just made such an inappropriate comment?
"Oh, aha well thanks. Shit, I already said that, hah hm well I'll see you around!" Stiles tripped and fumbled over his words before skidding away from the living and into the kitchen.

He slapped himself in the forehead. He took a minute to process what he'd just done, his mouth hanging open.
"What the actual hell, Stiles." He muttered to himself. That was it. His silly crush on Derek had reached an all time high. He needed to call for back up. He pulled out his phone.

"Hello? Stiles? What's up?" Came the one voice he needed to hear.
"I need your help. Come over tomorrow evening." He pleaded.
"Sure thing buddy."

That evening, Derek had decided to treat himself to a pizza and that he was going to man the hell up and invite Stiles over for some. When he'd finished ordering, he threw his phone down on the couch and went to the bathroom. He showered, lathering himself up with a nice lay scented body wash. He was pulling out all the stops.

Wrapping a towel around his waist, he stood in the steamy mirror and dried his hair, then tousled it into his signature could-care-less style. Once he was satisfied, he dried off and moved to his bedroom. He took out his best pair of dark blue jeans and his nicest black shirt. He wanted to look his damn best for Stiles tonight.

It hadn't taken long, but his doorbell rang almost the moment he finished putting on the ensemble. He hurried to the front door with his money in hand and opened it, surprising the delivery boy.
"Thanks." He said quickly, practically throwing him the money. The kid appeared too shocked to say anything and walked away, and disappeared down the hall.

Derek checked the two boxes to make sure the order was correct and when he was satisfied that the pizza was up to his standard, he placed them on the floor so he could lock the door. That was when he heard a knock a few meters away from his position. He peeked out the door and saw a tanned guy of average height standing at Stiles' door.

He was good looking, a relaxed smile on his face as the door opened.
"Stiles!" He cried and threw his arms around the man. It was taking all Derek had not to fly into a fit of rage. Who the hell was this guy and why was he hugging Stiles? When the mystery man disappeared into Stiles' apartment, Derek shut the door and rushed to the living room.

It was a low point for him, but he stared through the hole in the wall. Stiles had a wide, genuine smile on his face as he handed the guy a beer. Derek trained his ears on their conversation.

"I've missed you so much!" Stiles sighed, hugging the guy again.
"I know, it's been too long." Mystery man replied. "I'm surprised you didn't invite me over sooner." Derek watched as Stiles' face fell.
"Yeah, I guess things have been a little hectic."
"Tell me about it." Mystery man smiled sympathetically.

What on earth was going on? Had they been involved at some point? Because it was sure beginning to sound like that to Derek.
"Well come to my room and we can catch up." Stiles offered and mystery man grins like an idiot.
"Don't mind if I do." And with that, they disappeared.

At the sound of what was presumably Stiles' bedroom door closing, Derek completely lost any ounce of composure he had left. He picked up the coffee table and threw it at the wall and watched it shatter. He was breathing heavily, fury taking over every muscle in his body. He stormed into his bedroom slammed his fist into the wall, growling.

Derek hadn't felt like an idiot in a long time, but he sure felt like one at that moment in time. He slumped down on his bed and let his head sink into his hands. He'd made a huge mistake letting that Stiles creep his way into his life. Derek knew he was at the point of no return.

He cared about him.

"So he's your neighbour?" Scott confirmed, sipping his beer.
"Yup." Stiles sighed miserably as he sat across the bed from his best friend. Scott was silent for a moment as he processed.
"That's gotta be awkward." He commented.
"No shit, Scotty." Stiles rolled his eyes and Scott held his hands up in defence.

"Hey, I said I'd come over and listen to your problem, I didn't say I'd have anything useful to say!" He chuckled and Stiles couldn't help but laugh. It was nice to have the relaxed company of his friend. It was safe to say he'd needed it after the up and down rocketing of his emotions and Derek's hot and cold behaviour.

"He's got to be one of the hottest guys I've ever seen in my life, in fact no, make that the hottest." Stiles whined. Scott nodded in understanding.
"But didn't you guys go on a date?" He asked, evidently confused. Stiles groaned.
"Ok, I'm gonna tell you the entire story in one go, don't interrupt. Are you ready?" Stiles proposed. Scott raised an eyebrow.
"Probably not."
"Too bad."

Stiles inhaled deeply, ready to spew out the entire activity log since he'd moved in.
"So the day I moved in we met and he was really moody but super hot and then I few days later I saw him at the store and we talked a little but he was still really moody but then I broke one of my shelves and I asked him to fix it and he said no but then when I tried to fix it I broke nearly all the other ones and he came over and fixed them all for me and he actually laughed and then I invited him for a beer as a thank you and it wasn't a date but it was like one and we got a little drunk and came back here and made out but-"

"Woah woah, you made out?" Scott exclaimed.
"I said don't interrupt! Then I freaked out because I didn't really know him and things were going too fast then he left and seemed kinda angry and then we didn't talk for like a week but then I accidentally made a hole in the wall-
"A hole?!"

"- and he didn't really mind that much and then we watched a movie together and fell asleep together then ate breakfast together then he fixed my bed yesterday and I thanked him but he said something really flirty and you know how I am I freak out when stuff like that happens and just kind ran off." Stiles inhaled deeply after the rather large episode of word vomit.

Scott simply sat with his mouth hanging open.
"I leave you alone for three weeks and this is what happens?" He groaned. Stiles smiled guiltily.
"Oops?" He offered, and Scott rolled his eyes and ran a hand through his hair.
"You wanna know what I think?"

Stiles nodded enthusiastically.
"I think this guy likes the shit out of you."
"Scott take this seriously please." Stiles moaned. Scott frowned at his friend.
"What idiot fixes their annoying neighbour's shelves, goes for a drink with them, allows them to make a hole in the wall, builds their bed and flirts with the, for no reason?"

And for what could potentially be the first time ever, Scott had said something intelligent.

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