Chapter 1: It Begins, Today.

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In the shining hot day of the 2010, life are ongoing as it normally would. Children and teens in school and the adult to work. Nothing to seem have change but what's unknown to them is that there're already a movement that will change the course of history and the world that they know.

There has been rumors ongoing throughout the net where the one of the world superpower, namely, United State of America is on the brink of war with European Union and ASEAN. A move that is totally unexpected and unbelievable. Not just because one supernation will take on multiple countries with allied force, it is also because of the abolishment of nuclear weapon usage for all country and the introducing of a new found mineral that can change the way of our living.  That causes a huge uproar between those nation with Weapon of Mass Destruction at their disposal.

As for the others who are busy with their daily lives, things are all going smoothly. Especially the students with a lot of time to waste when they're this young. World's problem aren't exactly on their mind now. A thing that they shouldn't worry about,

"Damn, it's really hot today. I wish we could have a snowy season.", rant a boy who's a college student with his friend beside him. Waiting for someone or something.

"And what's up with you? Didn't you feel the heat? It burns me.", pointing out the his friend who seems to wear a black-hood sweater and didn't bugged by the blazing heat of the sun. Seems so abnormal but that's what he is known for.

"Nowdays, I would rather wear these than let my skin feel the burning heat plus I felt more colder and comfortable than wear a t-shirt and let my skin burnt by these ray of unforgiving sunlight.", he muttered and it's the truth. He didn't even break a sweat.

"Urgh, whatever you say, Kyrul. Anyway, want to grab some lunch?", ask his colleague.

"As long as the lunch is on you, I'll be happy enough to tag along. Hahaha!", Kyrul laugh jokingly but he means it. Being a cheapskate once in awhile won't harm, right?

"You're always like that and oh, should I bring Yuko along?", he asked but by the looks of his face, it looks like he's teasing him.

"Y-y.-you shouldn't ask me if you want her to tag along, you know.", a blushed can be clearly seen from Kyrul's face and his friend just laugh of loud because of it. Kyrul reaction can be easily read, that is why he always get teased ever since they know each other.

The 3 of them are a close friend, Kyrul Roze, Yuko Kiwabe, a Japanese transfered and Ryan Victor, ever since they enter college. There aren't alot of history going on between them but in a short period of time, they build up a close bond because of the perfect chemistry of wackiness .


Disappeared for lunch between bros, they eventually went back for class instead of the usual cutting class and go wasting their money on arcades or going home and sleep for the rest of the day. Then came their other friend's, Yuko Kiwabe. Kyrul seems a bit tense whenever they met but he somewhat manage to control it if she is infront of him.

"Thinking of cutting class again, Ky?", ask Yuko, who seems to have undertsand Ky's nature.

"Eh? I was but I don't think I would today.", Ky replied.

"What? Playing a good boy now huh?", Ryan mildly nudge Ky in response. Chuckling in process seeing his friend reacted that way.

"I don't know, I just have a bad feeling about cutting class today.", he said as he gaze towards the blue and clear sky but then he seems to notice several F18 Hornet that's belongs to Tentara Udara Malaysia or TUDM, fast flying above them. The sound of course attract others people too including the other two friend.

"Military training?", Yuko questioned.

"Yeep. The news said they are doing a rare military exercise ever since last week. I don't know what's getting into them. I just hope it's not a real know, war.", Ky reply with his usual carefree tone but he is worry about this prospect. It's unusual for the TUDM to do a patrol run in this area and it's not just that, they seems to be flying a little low.

"Indeed. If not, Ky would've be devastated for not have a chance to date you, Yuko.", Ryan tease Ky again. He really love doing this to him since Ky have a thing for her. Ky's eyes immediately turns to Ryan. Immediate facepalmed Ryan hard enough to leave a mark of his hand on his white skin.

"Oh sorry, my hand just attract to your face, bro.", said Ky with his irritateed tone and Yuko just laugh along with Ryan.

It seems their fun time would last forever but the world their live in are not as kind as it will be now. Suddenly, several explosion can be hear up in the sky. Ky ran from them to get a clear view of the sky and the blue clear sky are turning into black raging fire and smoke. Then, several fighter-jets can be seen fly above. It is a dogfight between TUDM and some unknown army force.

"No way. Tell me that is not..."

The people who saw that are definitely shock by the turn of the event. Some take out their handphone to record the event and some called their beloved family member or friend about this and so does Ky.

"Prepare for the worse.", Ryan conclude. The war is about to begin and this is barely just the curtain raise. Just when they least expect it to happen.

Amid the chaos up in the sky, a black car approach the trio and stop infront of them. Several men in black came out and drag Yuko and Ryan inside before they took Kyrul in as well when they're distract by the fiery battle. Much of their suprise, they didn't even know what's going on. First, there're dogfight in the sky and now, they're being kidnapped by men-in-black? It's useless to scream now. Nobody will notice it. All those people care now are their own lives.

Struggling inside the car won't help them either as they are quickly imduced to sleep when they used the old chloroform method to put them to sleep. They wouldn't know that that sleep will be for quite awhile.


Somewhere in Japan...

"Today main news. Britannian Empire or was known as United State of America, declare war with IndoChina region as they failed to reach upon on an agreement. They have move futher inland in just a day. Some report said there are sighting of the latest Britannian Millitary gear. A humanoid war machine that has help their fast advance towards the countries. Futhermore-"

The news continue on reporting the live event of the beginning of war between the supernation and one of the ASEAN country. It may be the beginning of World War 3 after many decades of peace. 

"Say, Lelouch. Your father really is an unpatient person. Waging war in a blink of an eye. Not just that, they bravely denounced there would be no more state of America and decide to show up themselves just like that-", just before the boy with the brown hair finished talking, the other one with handsome looking appearance with purple eyes intervene.

"Savage. Barbarian. That's what they are.", the young boy said with an angry tone. Despite their young age, as little as ten year-old, they seems to have the interest in world affair. They are too not to be underestimate. One is the son of Prime Minister of Japan and the other one is the son of a certain emperor. An exiled prince. Together with his sister who seems to be sleeping on the room next to the dim litted living room.

Within months, the IndoChina region are fully undercontrol by the Britannian Empire and they are to be refered as Area 10 from that day and onwards. Months later, Britannia declare war on Japan and the later falls. Rename as Area 11. 



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