Chapter 4

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All of those unpleasant memories about being bored and always tired have just faded away.I am sitting on the plane,heading to a new place. I must admit I desperately wanted to do something unplanned. I have always had that on my bucket list. But the one thing was... It was all planned. So elaborately,to be honest. My uncle Pablo lives in Spain with his two daughters,Eva and Zenya. He owns this restaurant called La Parranda. My aunt Beatrice passed away long time ago.Since then Pablo hadn't gone out with anyone.Eva, Zenya and I were very close since I was a kid.Seeing them was one of the most important reasons of my neverending excitement. I applied for La Universidad de Murcia for MA in tourism. I have BA in international relations from Wien Uni and you may ask...What caused this change of majors? It is pretty simple. Those 3 years of studying were closely related to politics.I thought I liked politics, more of I made myself like that. My parents were telling me that I was going to get a prestigious job, build a successful carreer and all of that kind of stuff. But all I had was a big disappointment.But at the same time I couldn't be more grateful to my parents for helping me out.Education costs money.Most of the time A LOT of money. That's why I could not change my major or simply leave.I had to stay.Indeed, I felt imprisoned but now I was free. You definitely know "The Notebook".I felt like Allie.Like I was a bird. Free and independent. Anyways, long story short... My uncle hired me to work at his restaurant and let me live at his house until I get the results of my application which was really nice of him. And now I could just lean back and enjoy my flight.
The view from the plane was breathtaking. It felt like I was travelling on the plane for the first time. The whole world was visible through this little rectangle with orbed edges.All of that recalling took a while and I did not even notice when the stewardess announced the end of the flight.
As we landed, I went to get my luggage and my uncle was already there with his daughter Zenya. Pablo looked tired, his face was cut with wrinkles.But no matter how old he was, his smile made him look so young.It was so welcoming and...kind. Zenya did not change at all. Her fair hair, her baby face with chubby cheeks...I missed this girl so much. That was an emotional moment of many many hugs and greetings.
We sat in Pablo's car and were heading to his house. When we got there, I was mesmerized.
It was a unique building. It was of an average size but it seemed huge.By huge I do not mean the size, it is the work that had been done to it. You could see display of love in every little part of this masterpiece.
I knew for sure I was going to spend great time here.
When I came in, something jumped on me. I got so scared but in the mean time it was just a dog.
"Since when do you have a dog?" I sounded surprised asking Pablo and petting the dog at the same time.
"Oh since January. Rex died, Zenya and Eva were deeply upset.We felt like we were bereft of something that's why we bought this guy in May and welcomed him to our family" Pablo smiled.
"He is pretty big.What's his name?"I asked.
"Loki. You know that guy from Scandinavian legends...Thor movies?"
"Oh yes, sure I have heard about him."
"Yeah, Eva, when she was little, was covered with all of those books about legends and stuff.She used to love all that.Still loves.She wants to move to Sweden."
"She told me about that.You are not going to worry about her, right? She is pretty mature."
"Oh yes, I know that.The only one question that bothers me is how is she going to adjust to their climate?That's it."He broke into laughter.
"She is going to be just fine.I can't wait to see her!Where is she by the way?"
"Eva had something to do at the University.I don't know exactly what...She told me to tell you that she is sorry she did not come to the airport." Pablo smiled again, making pauses in the last sentence trying not to miss anything.
"Oh no.It is totally fine.Don't worry about that!"I answered.
While Zenya and I were cooking dinner together , the door bell rang.

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