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3 months later:

It's been 3 months of non-stop texting with Liam. We've met up lots of times too and we've been getting so much closer. We've been a lot more flirty and been acting a lot like a couple too.

Every single time we've met up was in secret though, so it was either at his place or at some secret location and we had to be super careful not to let the paparazzi find out about anything.

And although we haven't slept together yet. We have gone a bit more further than "just" kissing.

But we're taking it super slow when it comes to having sex. And I can't tell you how happy that makes me, to think how patient he is.


Liam- Good Morning Love 😘💕

Are you awake baby? 😌

I really fucking miss you! 😔

I wanted to know if you'd want to spend the day together? 😔

Baby girl! ☹

Get your sexy ass up! 😌





Okay. You're sleeping. I'm going to stop texting you now. ☺

Emily- Morning babe 😘💕

I'm sorry.

I just woke up.

That late night texting is getting to me.

Lol. Jokes 😁😘

I'd love to spend the day with you.

Liam- Awesome!

I'll send a taxi to pick you up. Okay?

OMG I can't wait to see you! 😘☺💕

Emily- Okay. By what time should I be ready?

And how should I dress? Are we going to be at your place?

Liam- Okay it's 11:30 now.

So be ready at 13:00?

And yeah we're going to be at my place. If that's okay?

Emily- Okay that's fine. ☺

I can't wait to see you. 😘☺💕

Liam- Baby you don't even know!

Emily- Aaawww 😌😘😘

Babe I'm gonna get ready. So I'll see you later! 😘

Liam- Okay! Bye! 😘💕

I like you! 😌😘💕

Emily- LOL 😁

I like you too! 😌😘☺💕

Liam and I decided that we do "like" each other but we weren't "inlove" yet. So we didn't want to rush into things and saying "I love you" when we just started sort of dating, would just be rushing things a bit.

Although I do wish he'd ask me to be his girlfriend officially. Cause it makes me feel like, what if he thinks that since we aren't anything "offical" he could probably have someone else as well and I'm not going to allow myself to go through that.

I got up and put my phone in charge and started cleaning my room a bit and then made my way to the bathroom and got into the shower.

When I got out of the shower it was 12:15

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