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The next day:

Emily- Liam?



Please answer me!

I'm really really sorry!

3 hours later:

Oh Com'on Em. Don't be so sad. We're going to you're favourite place for breakfast and you're still thinking about Liam? Ally said

As we were in a cab with aunt Julia as well.

We were on our way to this really nice café that I just LOVED. For breakfast. But I still had my mind on other things, such as Liam..

I'm sorry Al. I just. I can't get my mind off of Liam. I feel really bad. I said as I turned my face toward the window.

Maybe you should just give him some space for a little while Em. I've always told you that you should control your "honesty" aunt Julia said using her index and middle fingers as she air quoted, emphasising on "honesty"

I barley look over at her, cause I knew that what she was saying was true.

At times I really didn't know when to stop with my so called "honesty"

We got to the café and made our way inside. I tried so hard, not to think about Liam. But I couldn't could get him out of my head!

We mad our way to a little booth in the corner and a waiter came over to us.

Hi! I'm Megan and I'll be your sever today. What can I get you guys!? She asked us

Aunt Julia and Ally took chicken wraps and a side salad and I took a chicken salad.

But in all honesty. I wasn't in any mood to eat or do anything at all.

Liam's Prov :

It's been only a day since I hadn't texted Emily back, and I actually feel really bad about it, even though she was the one that hurt me.

But I must admit. I really miss chatting to her.

Mate. Why don't you just talk to her already. Instead of moping around all day. But you won't even forgive her. Niall said

No. She was the one that thinks that she knows every detail about my life, but she doesn't and won't even give me a chance to show her the real me. I said

But you're not even showing her anyway now are you? Cause by not forgiving her, you're not giving her the chance to see you as the person you really are. He said and by now I had to give in and admit that he was right. If I wanted her to see the real me and not this "boybander" that the media makes me out to be, she wouldn't know and think I'm exactly the way she assumed.

So I decided to finally text her back.

End of Liam's pro

Emily's pro:

I barely even ate anything. I was too distracted, with my head full of thoughts about Liam.

We split the bill and made our way out of the café and decided to take a walk and shop around a bit.

We stopped at store and made our way in and while Ally and Aunt Julia shopped around. I couldn't stop thinking about Liam.

I checked my phone (Liam's phone) one last time and there was still no text from him.

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