3. Recovering

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First of all I wanna thank every one who is reading this it means a lot to me! Second: I wanna apologise for not updating for quite a while, but my life has been quite busy lately and I don't get to spend much time on the internet and I don't think it'll beter soon but in september I'll be home again and then I'll have more time (I think)

Anyhow I found the time to write this chapter so I hope you'll enjoy it :)


I'm on an empty football field. It's dark and the pressure in the air is very high. Then I see a tall figure approaching from the other side of the field, dragging something with him. The chills are running all over my body. It's so cold and I feel terrified. Then I see the person comming towards me isn't dragging something with him, but someone. I want to run away and leave this creapy hell hole, but it's like my feet are glued to the moist grass and my legs refuse to move even an inch. Now I see that the tall figure is Jaden and I become even more terrified then before. What is he doing here? What am I doing here? Is he going to do something to me? Questions and fear are controlling me. Then I see the face of the person he is dragging behind him. My heart stops. It's Louis. Is he dead? "He's still alive," Jaden answers my thought in his cold, low, lingering voice, "but not for long." Then he lifts Louis up partly by his hair so I have a clear view of his face. He holds a knife at his throat and just before he kills him Louis eyes open and stare at me in fear and pain. Then Jadens knife cuts through Louis throat and all I can see is red. Red everywhere and somewhere far away I can hear a girl screaming very loud.

I jump up in my bed, covered in cold sweat and tears streaming down my face. My throat hurts and for a moment I think it's becouse of the knife, but then I realise that the girl who was screaming is me. I stop screaming quickly and I pray that no one heard me. But it's too late. Seconds later my brother almost falls through the door in his hury to be here. Concern, worry and fear are written all over his face. When he sees me he rushes to my side. "Are you ok, Lily? I heard you screaming! I thought someone was hurting you!" He takes my hand in his and quickly checks my body to make sure I'm not hurt. "It's ok, Liam," I say as calm as possible, which is hard since my heart is still bouncing in my throat of fear, "It was just a very bad nightmare, don't worry I'm fine." I give him a shaky smile. "No, it's not ok, Lily!" He nearly shouts. "You've been having those nightmares almost every night for about two weeks long. Wait... two weeks, that is the day... You're having nightmares about what happened on the field, isn't it?"

"Yes and no, it's actually Jaden who's controlling my dreams. Always hurting or killing you, Louis, Zayn, Niall or Harry." I'm relieved when I finally told my brother about this. I've been pushing it away for long enough now. I'm really scared that something like in my dreams might happen in real life. "Don't wory Lily, we haven't heard about him or his friends ever since, they probably just decided to let it be." I know he just said this to comfort me becouse I can see in his eyes that he doesn't believe a word of what he had just said himself. But I don't want to worry him more so I stay quiet and pretend that I believe him.

It's indeed two weeks since I first had one of these nightmares. It's weird to say becouse I Always hated them before but I miss my old dreams about the night in the forest. Compared to these, the old ones were almost nice and comforting. But back to business. I had to stay in the hospital for another whole week before they let me go but now I'm feeling way better (physically not metally becouse I'm getting more scared by the day) and so is Zayn. Harry is still a bit weak but he's growing stronger and Louis' face is still a bit blue (even with some green and purple?) but at least it's not swollen anymore and the cut in his lip is almost healed but I think he'll keep a scar. As for Niall, he's still furious about the fact that he can't use his arm properly. But Liam is the most tired of us all becouse he has been taking care of all of us for the past two weeks.

Liam has gone downsairs again to make us some breakfast. I get up from my bed and take a quick shower to wash away all the sweat and tears and in the hope to also wash away the fear and pain about Louis or the others being hurt. But that's  not happening so I get out of the shower and dry myself. I put on some loose clothes since I'm just going to sit here at home for another entire day. Liam still doesn't let me go back to school or even outside so I'm pretty much bored to death. Only good thing is that I get to be around Louis all day. But that also makees it even harder to hide my feelings. I haven't even seen or spoken Laura once since I left the hospital, which means I have literally no one to talk to or to distract me. She didn't even have the chance to show me all the things she got from Engeland!

When I come in the kitchen everyone is already eating so I quickly join in after I said good morning to everyone (which is very important becouse they all take it very badly if I forget that). When I'm finished eating I decide I feel good enough to ask Liam.

"Liam?" I start. "Hmm" he responds without looking up. "Can I go back to school tomorrow?" His head shoots up but I continue before he can say something. "I'm feeling way better and my head doesn't hurt one little bit anymore! And I think it'll be good for me to go outside again and get some fresh air." When I'm finished I look up at Liam with puppy eyes (even though I'm seventeen) and hold my breath becouse I'm scared he'll say 'no'. I know it sounds stupid that I still have to ask my brother for permission, but after everything he has done for me I find it very hard to go against him or anything he says. In fact he's more of a dad for me then my real father has ever been.

To my surprise it stays quiet for a while, but then Zayn comes up for me and tells Liam that he's completely his old self again so he thinks I should be too (since we both had a light concusion). Then Niall tells Liam that he can't lock me up here forever and that he thinks I'm strong enough to go back to school (I'll have to thank then for this later!). Harry just looks at me and Louis looks at Liam. Then he finally speaks up: "It's Friday tomorrow, maybe you should just wait till Monday to go back to school. What do you  think?" I sigh, I really don't want to sit at home for another three days, but I agree becouse I can't go to school on Saturday and Sunday anyway but then I have an idea. "But only if I can go to Laura this weekend." I say, surprisingly confident. I'm even surprised myself, and so is Liam which makes him stutter a little bit when he answers. "Uh, well, ok then I-I guess that's not a problem, but uh, not for too long ok?"

"Yes! Thank you Liam!" I jump up from my seat and hug him and give him a big kiss on his cheek before I run upstairs shouting that I'll call Laura now. "Uh, ok I guess..." I softly hear Liam's perplexed reaction. I smile to myself. Succes!

Laura is in school now of course so I can't call her, but I tekst her to ask if I can call her later. She reacts very happy and releaved that she finally hears about me again. She tells me that she came to visit me nearly everyday, but that my brother would never let her in. This makes me completely furious, but I decide it's better if I talk to him about this later. But be SURE I will have a good conversation with him about this!

Whilst I wait untill school is over so I can call Laura, I keep myself busy with painting the view I have of the village through my window. It's very clouded and the main colours are grey and a dark shade of green but here and there you can see a litte ray of sunlight. It's May now, but it's still very cold outside.

When my painting is finished I look at the clock on my desk. 3.26 pm. Wow! is it that late already? Schools almost over and I even forgot to eat lunch! Now that I realise this I feel how hungly I am. I Always forget about everyone and everything when I'm painting, drawing, singing or dancing. That's why I like those things so much. But now I quickly have to eat something and then call Laura. I can't wait to finally hear her again!

When I finally have Laura on the Phone we talk about everything. I tell her every single detail about what happened on the field and in the hospital and everything about my nightmares (exept for the fact that it's mostly Louis who gets hurt or killed in my dreams) and how boring it is to be locked inside with nothing to do. Then she tells me about everything that has been going on in her life and school and the homework she thinks I should do before I come back on Monday. And last but not least we make plans for Sunday to meet eachother at her place. When we finally hang up with a "Bye Fuzz!" and "Later Buzz!" it's already dinner time.



what do you think? it's a bit of a filler chap I know but if you like it please comment and vote!!

Lots of Love!


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