1. like always

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I get up and make myself ready for school. I shower, dry my hair and pull it back in a ponytail. I put my make up on and dress myself in a casual T-shirt, jeans and a sweater.

I hate school. It's not because I don't have friends or anything like that, I am friends with almost everyone in our little vilage because I'm Always friendly and happy on the outside. And there comes my problem, I actually have one true friend who I can trust with everything and yet I even did not tell her about my love for Louis. Because I know she wouldn't be able to hold it for herself. And the second problem is, and here she does know about, I really don't care about anything they teach us in school sinds they don't teach us things like singing, acting, painting or drawing 'cause those are the only things that can keep me from falling apart out of heartbreak. I've thought myself those things to paint away the fear and pain, to sing away the frustrations and to draw the perfection I see in everything Louis does. And the acting? I act everyday, pretending to be happy, even sometimes pretending to like a boy. Everything to hide my painful love for Louis.

My friend, Laura, she knows about this, only not the parts that involve Louis, she thinks it's because of what happened to my mom, and because my dad left us and because of the man who nearly raped me, and that's all true, but not he main reason. But I want to keep it this way, I don't want her to know about Louis.

"That sure took you long enough!" Liam says when I come in the kitchen. "Here, I made you some breakfast." I pretend to like the food, because as much as I love him for taking care of me so wel, he really isn't the best cook. By the way, I'm almost seventeen now, which means that Liam is now twenty and lives no longer 'at home'. But it didn't went the usual way with us. Sinds dad wasn't at home most of the time anyway, and not such a great companny when he was, my brother asked him to leave the house for good when he turned eighteen and my dad was angry, but easily convinced. I believe he already met some way to young, overly fake girl in some foreign country who could never replace our mom but was used to try that on.

So actually nothing has changed, only that I now officially lived with my brother and his friends. Yeah, they all lived with us, because neither of them could affort a house of their own and sinds we lived in a pretty big one, it was easy to share the costs.

"Come on, hurry up, you're gonna be late for school! Jezus, what's taking you so long today?"

"I'm sorry, Li, see I'm all ready now, see ya!" I say while I take my backpack and head out the door. I go by foot 'cause it's really close to where we live.

"see ya later Lily, have fun and be a good girl!" He says while I walk down the street.

"I'm almost seventeen, Liam, I'm not a little girl anymore!" I quickly shout back before he closes the door.

"Hi Lily!" I hear Laura's soft but quite high voice from behind me. "Oh, hi Laura! How was your weekend?" She went to England with her parents this weekend. She hadn't stoped talking about it ever since she knew she was going.

"It was so nice!" that is how the story started, but I don't think it's very interesting to tell you how the rest of her story went, 'cause it was quite a long one. She can talk for hours straight if she wants to. And this is such a time, all the way towards the school, towards our first class, every time the teacher turned around, between two classes, in the pauses, whilst eateng and so on until school was out and we were waking back home. She asked if I wanted to come to her place so she could show me the things she had bought in England but Liam had asked if I wanted to come and see his football match (soccer if you're from America) today and I already promised to go. I wasn't too sad though because Louis was going to be there two.

"I'm really sorry," I told her, "I promised to watch Liam's football match today, but maybe you can show them tomorrow?" She looked slightly dissapointed but agreed "Ok then, see ya tomorrow fuzz!"

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