2. On the field

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We are only just in time for the match. It's actually nothing more then an amateur match, but it means a lot to trese boys so being late is a shameless crime.The teams are: Liam in the goal, Zayn in defence, Harry and Niall on the midfield and Louis in the front. The other team is a couple of lads fron a nearby village. They are older but my brother and his friends are good, I've seem them playing alot of times before. Louis goes changing quickly into his football clothes and I find myself a good spot from where I have a good view of the entire field. There are not so many people whatching, only some friends of both of the teams.

I see liam coming up to me. "hey, sis, bring us good luck, will you?" He asks as serious as can be. I just burst out laughing. "Sure, Liam, I'll bring you all the luck I have." Though that isn't much. I think to myself. Now that I overthink it, I really hadn't had much luck in my life, exept for my brother and his friends who would protect me with their life if it was neccecary. "Thanks, Lily, you do bring us luck, you know, don't forget that!" I wish that would be true, but it's cute that he thinks so. "I guess, if you say so." I smile. I'm truly blessed with such a sweet brother.

"Come on, Liam, let's get this game started!" I hear Louis scream from in the middle of the field. Now, please don't think they play on a real football field. They play on a little field about half the size of a normal field, and with homemade goals.

The game begins and it doesn't take long before I just doze off and stare at Louis' perfection. The way his body moves so smoothly when he runs or the way his body twists when he kicks the ball. He his hair out of his eyes and looks my way for a moment. I quickly put my focus on the bal that is now with Harry. He gets tackled rudely by a guy of the other team and falls almost flat on his face, but he's just quick enough to break his fall with his arms. But this made him quite angry and he starts yelling at the guy and they start puching each other. Ow gosh, this isn't good, should I do something? Now Louis and Niall also come up for Harry and the other guys from the other team start a puching them as well. Damn, this is really going the wrong way. I think as I get up to try and stop them, although I have a feeling this will be a hopeless case.

"He!" I shout, "Stop it! All of you! This is a game of football, not wrestling!" I try to sound as confident as I can, because I'm really not. They all turn around and look at me momentary, but then the tall guy who started all this just laughes, turns back to Harry and punches him straight in the face. I gasp for air. Did he just really do that? I am totally shocked. And so is Harry and the other guys, but only momentary. They imediatly start fighting again, but now ten times worse than before, I can already see the colour red multiply. Even Liam, my brother, who usually is the most mature of them all is beating up one of those guys. I really have no idea what to do to stop this. There is not much I can do as a little girl between ten angry guys who are all at least three years older then me. And calling the police is not really an option two because then my brother and his friends would be in big troubles and the last thing I wanted is any of them ending up in prison, even if it's just for one night.

I only notice the tears that are streaming from my eyes because my sight is becomming blurry. I should've seen this comming, I blame myself, that was the guy that got expelled from our school years ago because he had pushed me from the stairs and I had broken my leg. Liam made a big problem out of it and to keep the peace, the shool had chosen to expell the guy, Jaden, I think was his name. He must still be angry for that. But this realisation still doesn't help me one little bit in solving this problem. By now, it has become hard to keep them all apart because they are just one big mess of body and blood and grass and ripped off clothes. I'm really scared that they will kill each other. I know that may sound a little over the top when it's just about a football game, but we live in a rough part of Sweden where most guys are not easy to stop once they got in a fight.

Without thinking anymore I sudenly feel my legs start moving, bringing me closer to the bloody mess that were once seperate bodies. Before I can even realise what I'm doing I trow myself between them. The first moment I see a lot without recognising it, but then I see Niall's fist against Jaden's face and one of the other guys fist against Louis' chest and then I see Louis comming closer and closer, falling upon me and then I see nothing at all. I can still hear them yelling and growling all around me and the smell of grass mixed up with blood fills my nose. Then there is just black silence.

"...ily...Lily...ow look she moved! Guys! guys, come quick, she's waking up!" The sound of Liams voice reaches my ears, making me notice my really bad headache. I slowly try opening my eyes to see where I am but the only thing I see is white blinding light so I close my eyes quickly again. I try to reconstruct what happened, but the last thing I can remember is the fight on the football field. Did I die? because I am sertainly not on the field anymore. I try to smell if there is still blood everywhere, but the only thing I smell is- is hospital? What am I doing in a hospital? I open my eyes to identify the people that are talking around and about me. Liam's face comes in view.

"Lily? Lily, can you hear me? Are you ok? I'm so so sorry for what happened, this is all my fault, I should've never involved you in this." He speaks with most concern, but also anger and worry in his voice and his brown eyes that aren't completely dry anymore. "Liam it's ok," I try to say but my voice cracks and doesn't make much noise. I cough and try again. "Liam it's ok, it's not your fault." I do make a little bit sound this time. "Yes, it is!" Liam speaks up, "look at you, you've got away with a light concussion, but with your fragille body it could've gonne so much worse!" He holds my face to make sure I hear and understand every word he says, almost as if he wants me to be angry at him and blame him. Then I remember the other boys, Louis, are they ok? Is Louis ok? I have to be sure!

"Where are the boys? Are they ok? Did anyone get hurt badly?" I say hastily. "No, they're fine, we're all a bit bruised and some scraches and stuff but nothing bad." He brushes off as if I hadn't seen the blood. "I wanna see them." I say bluntly. "But, what, don't you trust me?" This only makes me more suspicous. "What's wrong Liam? Why can't I see them?" I raise my voice.

"Niall broke his arm and Harry lost a lot of blood by a serious cut on his thigh, Zayn also has a very light concusion, but they will all be ok." Louis voice breaks my on comming furry. Louis is ok, Louis is ok, I keep repeating this in my head untill my breathing goes normal again. Then I think about the others and worry comes up again. "Are you sure they will be ok?"

"Yeah, Niall just won't be able to play the guitar for a little while, Zayn's gotta stay in bed for a few days and Harry's just a little weak." Louis answers. "And you guys? How about you?" I ask, hoping they are unharmed. Don't get me wrong, I really care about all five of them, but just the most about Louis and my brother. "I'm fine, I had luck." Liam speaks up. "Well, I just got this really anoying black eye and a swollen lip, but apart from that I'm ok." Louis says as he first steps in my view.

I really have to try even harder than normal not to stare because I can barely recognise his face. There's a huge cut in his lower lip and it's swollen to twice it's normal size and most of his face around his left eye is black and blue. And his eye is closed because it's also swollen. Louis breaks my gaze. "By the way, thanks for braking my fall sis" He tries to smile, but failes badly. This comment makes Liam glare at Louis, and for a moment I think he's going to argue about this, but then he changes his mind and turns back to me. "You better get some rest now." He starts puching Louis towards the door to get him out of here. "Wait," I say, "What happened with Jaden and his team?"

"Uhm, first they wouldn't stop fighting, but when they saw you lost consciousness they agreed on leaving os alone, for now... They drove off quite angry and I have a feeling that this wasn't the last we've seen of them." Liam says in a rather sad voice. Then he and Louis go out of my room and shut the door. I don't stop them, I want to, but I can't, the words don't agree to form in my mought so I just lay there, staring at the ceiling, speechless and scared of what will come.



as you may have noticed yet, this story is slightly diferent from my Niall fan fic, but plase tell me if it's to much drama or anything. And if you like it please vote and tell your friends about it :)

Thanks for reading so far,

much Love

-Mela xx

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