5. everything wrong

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I open my eyes slowly. Green. Green everywhere. I look around and realise I'm in a forest, but I'm not scared this time. It's spring and everything is so beautifull, the colours are so nice and the birds are singing lovely songs. I start to walk and I see a figure in the distance, an all too familiar figure. "Louis! Louis, over here, it's me!" I shout. He turns around, sees me and smiles. I walk up to him and he reaches out his hand. I take it willingly. He looks at me in a way I though would never happen - like I am the only person in this world he cares about, the only one he truly loves - the same way I Always look at him when nobody watches. "Lily..." he softly whispers, "Lily, are you there? Wake up Lily!!"

I open my eyes and see Louis' face right in front of me. It's full of concern at first and then I see it lighting up a bit. "Lily, thank God you're awake! Get up quickly!" I'm really confused, "huh? the forest, where is it... where am I?" I stamble. "you're still in the god damn van and we need to get away from here ASAP! I don't want the cops to find us here! Now get up and run." I feel something is wrong, Louis is acting all nervous and tensed and as if he's hiding something. I wanna ask what it is, but I see the look in his eyes and I realise that this is not a moment of talking and that I should do as he says. So without further questions I get up and follow him. A sudden, fiery pain in my head makes me wamble for a moment and immediatly I feel Louis' hands to catch me and get me back on my feet. He put's my arm around his shoulder and starts to run, dragging me allong. Confused and dizzy i stumble a few times, but he never lets me fall. Only when we're at the corner of the street I look back at the van to see why Louis is so upset.

I freeze. There is a lifeless body laying on the ground next to the van, and a leg of another person is hanging out the back of the van. "C'mon Lily! Hurry!" Louis is schout-whispering next to me, "Why are you standing still?" My mouth is dry and I don't know what to feel or think or say. I stamble: "Is... are they... did you.... kill them?" the last words were so softly whispered they barely reached far enough for me to hear it, but still somehow he must've understood.

He grabs my shoulders and looks me in the eye to make sure I believe him when he says that they're only knocked out and will wake up soon, and that he's worried thet they will come after them iif they do. So he tells me again that we have to get away from here as soon as possible. This time I'm more allert, the headacke is fading away a bit. I believe him and i do as he says, I no longer need his help to run, but he takes my hand anyway and for a moment that is the only thing that matters.

We are running really fast, and in this situation I am supposed to be scared or at least worried or concerned, but for me it felt almost as if we were just running for fun through a fresh feeld with flowers and the warmth of the sun on our faces combined with the warmth of his hand in mine. This made me feel absolutely complete. All my senses were going to that one point in my body: my left hand, I felt his ferm grip, the strength in his hand which he was not overusing in order not to hurt me. His hand was really warm and his skin was surprisingly soft. Well i had felt his hands before, but never like this and i never realised how soft his skin was.

Suddenly his hand was gone. I woke up from my beautifull daydream and found myself at the door of the garage where the boys practice their music. The sun and the feelds are gone too so now i realise it's dark and cold outside. I shiver. "Why are we here, and not home?" I ask. "They don't know about this place," is the answer. 'They! Shit! If they aren't dead, they'll be furious! They'll come after me and... after Louis! I can't let that happen! But... what on earth can I do?' Louis' words interrupt my thought's "You stay here for a little while, I'll go to the house and send Nial with some blankets and stuff so you two can sleep here. Me and the rest are gonna guard the house, they are most likely to come there."

"But Louis, what if they come there? What will you do then?" I wish it could be him staying here with me instead of Nial. I would feel much safer with him around and at least I would be sure that he was safe as well.

"We will have to make sure that they don't come back." He looks at me firmly and I know what he means with this, he's not just going to scare them away, he's going to finnish them off. My body slowly fills with fear. "Can't you just... call the police or so?" I suggest, but I know what the answer will be. But to my surprise his expression turns soft. He carefully takes both my hands in his and looks at me with a caring expression. For one moment I think he's going to tell me that he loves me and a smile is already creeping up my face when his words crash in and all my hope vanishes. "Lily, you know i care for you. I always saw you and your brother as my siblings too. You're like a little sister to me, Lily, I would never let anything happen to you." He smiles at me and continious "I have to make sure that they can't hurt you anymore, and if I would call the police it would only make things worse. I did too much myself already and even if they would be found guilty and get locked up, there will always be that day when they get back out of their cells and I don't see thm as the most forgiving kind of people. So I'll do what I have to do Lily, to keep you, and everyone safe. Do you understand that Lily?" I nod, but I can't look up at him, I'm too close to crying and I don't want him to see my weekness.

He get's up "Stay here, Nial will come soon," he says as he walk out the door. "I just don't want you to become a murderer." I whisper, just before he closes the door. He stops for a moment, with the door wide open, halfway out. 'Please turn around. Pleas turn around and change your mind. Please come here and stay with me. Call the police. Let them solve the problem. Just don't go...'

But after a few seconds of silece he steps in the darkness of the night and closes the door behind him. I feel numb. Now what? 'What can I do? I have to stop him for sure. I can't let him do this, but I can't go after him as well, he'll never listen to me. I'll have to do it myself then.'

I know I have to hurry with my plan, our house isn't soo far away from here so Nial will be here soon. 'Or should I tell him? Maybe he would want to help me? No. He could tell the others, I can't be sure he wouldn't. Nial shouldn't be involved, I have to do this o my own." I check if I have everything with me and silently leave the garage.


Long time sinds I updated, I know and I'm sorry. I'm really busy with other stuff at the moment so it's hard to find time to write. I'm not really a writer as well (with that I mean that writing is not really my passion) It's just a hobby, something that I like to do.

But hey, I took the time to write this little chapter for you guys thanks to bstewart03 who commented on my last chapter. So a little appreciation, like a comment or a vote really motivates me to write more, so feel free to do that :)

Lots of Love


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2014 ⏰

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