Chapter 12

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No it couldn't be him. That's impossible. But it is. I remember who he is..

Harry snatched my phone from my hand and looked at the text.

"Emily do you know this person?" I nodded

"He found me.." I murmured

"Who is he?"

"He'soneoftheguysIusedtodoonenight-standsandhewasoverobsessivewithmesohewouldlookformefromtrackingmyphoneandthenIgotanewonebuthefoundme" I rushed

"He's one of the guys you used to have one night stands with and he was obsessed with you and now he's here?"

"Yes, Harry I'm sorry"

"Great so a creepy stalker is after my girlfriend" He plopped down on the bed "But I'll be here to protect you I promise I won't leave"

"I know Harry" I sat down next to him and intertwined my fingers with his "I love you"

"I love you too" He kissed me softly on the lips but when he pulled back I kissed him again.

Our lips moved together and the make out session was getting very heated. I straddled his waist and wrapped my arms around his neck.

Then of course guess who came to join the party...Louis

"Hey guys I was wondering if you wanted to-" I got off of Harry and we both glared at Louis "Uh nevermind.."

"Bye Louis" I shoved him out the door and closed it..Harry was right behind me when I turned around. I kissed him swiftly

"Harry go shower you have elevator germs all over you..we can finish this when you're clean"

"You don't like my elevator germs?" He faked hurt

"No I do I just don't want them all over me"

"So if I did this you wouldn't like it?" He picked me up and put me on the bed then laid on me

"Harry..." I groaned

"Shh people are gonna think we're doing something" he laughed

"Well I mean you're kind of raping me...go shower then I'm all yours"

"Fine" he got up off me and went into the bathroom. I heard the shower go on then I decided to go make some food since I haven't had any since yesterday.

I walked into the living room finding everyone asleep..they will never learn to sleep in their beds. I walked in the kitchen and found like no food.

I opened the fridge and still nothing. Wait..Niall has a secret stash of food in his room! I tiptoed over there and turned the lights on so I could see.

In the corner was three pringle cans, a 2 liter of coke, and a box of cookies. I carried all of the food to the room..sorry Niall. I turned the tv on and started shoving as much food I could into my mouth.

I was starving! I drank some of the coke and carefully set it on the ground.

"What are you doing?" I heard a deep voice filled with amusement


"Did you steal this from Niall?!"


"Nice but when he finds out it's all won't be pretty"

"Well I'm kinda full anyway" I finished off the snacks then went to go brush my teeth

When I walked out Harry was stuffing his face.. Although he ate everything..I only had some

"Ok when's the last time you ate?" I giggled

"Like 5"

"5?!?! I haven't eaten since yesterday and you're eating more than me!"

"How are you not dead yet?"

"I don't know whenever I was a kid I hardly ate in the summer"

"That's weird..I ate like all day everyday"

"Well you're a guy and guys eat everything" I motioned to all the empty pringle cans

Harry cleaned up everything while I was laying in his t shirt slowly falling asleep. Harry came back into the room and crawled up next to me.

"Are you going to sleep?" He poked me in the face

"Mhmm" His hands traveled to my waist then he started tickling me.

I was wide awake now...

"Ok Harry stop!" I screamed while giggling uncontrollably. He finally stopped then I straddled him and tickled him

"Geez you're really ticklish..guess I should just keep tickling you more..." And so I did..then I gave him a break. We were both trying to catch our breathes

Harry sat up and smashed his lips on mine. He was laying on top of me as I snaked my arms around his neck. My heart was racing as softly kissed my neck.

I let out a moan trying to be as quiet as possible. He gently took my shirt off and left wet kisses down my chest. Our lips met again moving in sync giving me more butterflies in my stomach.

Harry pulled away leaving a soft kiss on my forehead then tucked me in under the covers. His arms snaked around my waist pulling me close to his chest

"Goodnight Emily"

"Goodnight Harry" I mumbled than drifted off to sleep

"Wakey wakey! Wake up wake up it's time to wake up!" I heard about 6 voices practically screaming in my ear.

They yanked the covers off and me being pretty much naked with only underwear on screamed probably the loudest I've ever been.

"Louis what was that for?!" Harry yelled

"Well I didn't know you were both naked!"

Oh gosh where's my shirt where's my shirt. I frantically looked around the room covering my chest. Ha found it! I threw it on and pushed everyone out the door

"Yeah ok bye everyone nice of you to visit" I locked the door and jumped in bed and fixed the covers and snuggled up to Harry.

I couldn't fall back asleep so I checked my phone and it was 2 PM?!?! That's the latest I've ever slept!

"Harry it's 2 in the afternoon we have to get up" He just hummed in response. I kept pecking his lips trying to wake him up

"C'mon wake up wake up..ugh you're useless" I tried getting up but his grasp pulled me back. I traced his butterfly tattoo and I could hear his soft heartbeat.

I pressed my ear against his chest and listened to it. It quickened and he started to giggle.

"What are you doing?" He laughed

"Listening to your heart beat..will you get up now?"

"I just wanna stay here with you forever"

"I wanna stay with you too but if we stay any longer who knows what everyone will do..don't make me tickle you"

"Ok ok I'm up!" He jumped out of bed and put some sweatpants on

"Can you make me pancakes?" I smiled

"Sure anything for you" he kissed my cheek

I got up to go freshen up but I didn't feel like putting pants on so I just walked out into the living room

"Well someone decided to get up" Louis said

"It's rude to strip people of their covers while their sleeping"

"So tell us..why were you both naked?" Zayn smirked

"None of your business!"

"Were you doing something?" Liam winked

"Not anything like that!"

"And what happened to my food stash?!" Niall asked

"Uhh..a leprechaun stole it.."

"And who might that leprechaun be?" Niall said walking up to me


"You're gonna get it Robin!"

"Come at me Horan!" He chased me around the room

He tackled me to the ground and straddled my waist and tickled me to death

"NIALL!!!" I screamed. Harry came out and I could have sworn jealousy flashed across his that was adorable

"Say Niall Horan is the sexiest Irish man you've ever met"

"Well you're the only Irish man I've ever met"

"I'm not afraid to tickle you again"

"Ok ok Niall Horan is the sexiest Irish man I've ever met! Now get off" He got off and held a hand to help me up. I faced Harry and saw him playing with his fingers

I walked over to him and looked him in the eyes and saw he was upset..about what? Niall?

We walked into the kitchen and I sat on the counter.

"What's wrong Harry?" I held both of his hands

"Nothin" he murmured

"Babe something's wrong...are you jealous?"

"No" he's avoiding eye contact. I cupped his face and forced to make eye contact

"Don't worry that was nothing" I met his lips and kissed him passionately

"Yeah and Niall's dating Rayne anyway"

"What?! Since when?!"

"Since the club"

"How did I not know this?!"

"Well because we were having sex in the bathroom"


"I'm kidding I'm kidding..but you did try to. You took your clothes off and made out with me for like 30 minutes"

My face turned bright red. "Oh my gosh I'm sorry"

"Don't apologize" He leaned forward and kissed me again softly but we were still making out.

Then what do you know we were interrupted again

"Jeez you guys make out a lot" Louis said

"And you interrupt a lot" Harry said

He stood in the kitchen aimlessly walking around.

"Eh em" I said

"Oh right right sorry" he left then Harry turned back around and kissed me again

"Can I have my pancakes now?" I innocently smiled

He walked over to the stove and put my pancakes on a plate then handed it to me. I jumped off the counter to get the syrup.

I finished eating and searched my phone for fun things to do. I found one and a place close by.

"Hey guys go get dressed we are going ice skating!" I yelled

"We're going ice skating?" Harry asked

"We are now"

I drove everyone to the ice skating rink and we filed out for skates and all that. I was wearing white skinny jeans and a pink sweater since it was cold in here.

I don't know why I chose this because I can't even ice skate

"Hey Harry do you know how to ice skate?"


"We'll just be the couple on the wall.."

I stepped on the ice and slowly tried to skate but miserably failed. I fell at least 15 times within the first hour.

"Em can we take a break" Harry huffed

"Yeah good idea"

We walked on the flat normal ground and sat at the table with all our shoes and stuff.

"Hey I'm gonna go to the bathroom"

"Okay" I slipped off the skates and put my regular boots on. My phone started ringing and I picked it up

' "Hello?"

"Hi me at the front" it was Logan. My college frat boy I did one night stands with.


"C'mon babe don't make me come over there"

"What do you want?"


"Well too bad" Harry c'mon where are eyes met Logan's.. Damn it

"Aw c'mon baby you look so sexy in those jeans"

"Stop I have a boyfriend"

"But where is he? I don't see him" Harry hurry up! Please Harry please.. Logan started walking no no. He was standing right infront of me..crap.'

"Come with me and no one gets hurt." He lifted his leather jacket and I noticed a gun. Ok I have no choice Harry please come save me. I frantically looked for everyone but they didn't notice me. How long does it take a man to pee?!

"We are leaving" he grabbed my hand and dragged me out the building but I couldn't make a sound because he had a gun.

"Don't do this"

"Do what? You're mine"

"No I'm not I'm Harry's"

"Oh so Harry is that who that prick was?"

"He's not a prick!"

"Well he is if he's letting me get away from kidnapping you"

"Don't hurt me"

"Oh I would never hurt you baby..I just wanna have fun"

He pulled me into a dark alley were one of those kidnapping trucks were. He pulled out duck tape and taped my mouth shut and my ankles and wrists together. Then he picked me up and threw me in the truck.

"Babe have you gained weight since the last time I saw you"

Well that hurt..

"Hold still"

He pulled a needle out and injected my neck with some stuff then I soon became drowsy and fell into a dark deep sleep.


I got out the bathroom and Emily wasn't there. I checked the ice floor and no where to be seen or found. I looked around but still no sign.

My phone beeped and I prayed it was was!

'From Emilyy<3(: - im breaking up with you. we are over. i left the rink because i didnt want to see you ever again. goodbye harry.'

Tears formed in my eyes.

Why is this happening to me?

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