Chapter 53

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The whole house was trashed. The furniture was messed up and knocked over. The walls had awful things written on them. I walked around seeing the same thing.

Everything was messed up. Our room was bad too. Clothes were everywhere. The drawers were on the ground. The bed sheets were pulled off. I went into the bathroom and the mirror also contained awful things but one thing caught my eye.

Hey Emily, next time you look in the mirror I hope you realize how ugly you are! Sincerely, EVERYONE

Tears built up in my eyes as they scanned the walls.

Harry, you need to dump Emily and date someone much prettier!

Hopefully when Harry sees this he'll realize it's the truth and leave that bitch!

I'd rather Harry be gay and date Louis then be with her!

I was frozen. All the comments hit so hard. They destroyed everything. You can't just paint over all of this. It will always be there. As soon as one tear slipped out, the rest all followed.

I felt Harry's comforting arms pull me into him. He rubbed small circles on my back trying to make me feel better but it wasn't working.

"Hey we'll get it straightened out I promise" He whispered but I just shook my head

"Harry this is how people see me now they think I'm a slut more than ever because of what happened with Josh. Nothing can fix that"

"That's not true these people are just jealous of you because you're so amazing. You can't cave into what they say. I know the real you and I know what actually happened. They don't. They don't even know you so they don't have the right to judge you. I know this hurts but I'm here for you. I'll never let you go. No matter what happens I'll be there for you because I know you and these things don't even come close to describing you."

I took a minute to think about what he said and the comments still hurt but what he said was true and that gave me hope that once again I would be able to get over it.

"Can we go somewhere else?"

"I'll get a hotel room but I'm going to have to come back and clean up"

"Are we going to press charges?"

"Yes whoever did this doesn't deserve to get away with it"

Harry held my hand and lead me to the car once again.

"Are we taking Lilah?"

"Nah she won't be allowed at a hotel so she can just stay with me"

"Okay" A few minutes later we pulled up to the same one I stayed at after Harry and I's fight.

"I'll be okay from here" Harry pulled up along side the entrance.

"You sure?"

"Yeah it's okay"

"It will be alright I promise Em"

"I know" I kissed him passionately before exiting the car.


I watched as she walked into the hotel wishing I could come with her. Seeing her upset about the house just hurts me too.

I drove back home then immediately called the police. Within a few minutes they were here.

I explained how we just got home and all of this had happened. They looked around and took fingerprint samples, anything to find evidence of whoever did this.

They left and I decided I'd need help so I called the boys.


"Wait so you just got home and all of this was here?" Zayn asked

"Yeah Emily walked in first then by the time I was inside she was in our room crying"

"This is awful who would do this?" Louis said in frustration

"Angry fans after what happened on New Years"

"Right..but that wasn't even her fault" Niall added

"But it looks pretty bad though" Liam said

"I know.. Let's just get it cleaned up"


Okay well I know I left you with a cliffhanger so I updated again:) you're welcome

Keep voting commenting and reading!!!


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