Chapter 28

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"Emily and Harry you have to breakup" Those words hit me like a thousand knives or more. My throat was dry and the room was silent. Dead silent. I could feel tears getting ready to fall out. I glanced over and saw Harry sitting there shocked too but angry. I felt so bad. This was my fault. Maybe I should just quit

"W-why?" I croaked trying not to have a breakdown here

"It's against the rules for a manager to date his or her just doesn't work that way"

"Harry maybe I should just quit" I turned to him but he was just thinking

"No you're keeping this job you deserve it..she isn't quitting and that's final"

"Ok great. Moving on to other terms..if we catch you two hooking up still both of you will lose your jobs. Harry you will be kicked out of the band and Emily you will be fired from Modest. Got it?"

"Mhm" We both agreed but we realized that we would have to sleep on the same bus/hotel and be together all the time but not be able to do anything...

"Now Harry you are going to go on a few dates with Victoria's Secret model Cara Delevingne" Ouch.

"Why can't I just stay single?" He asked

"Why does there have to be a problem?" She questioned looking him in the eye


"Is that all?" Louis asked

"Yes you can go" She dismissed us and we all walked out pretty depressed. None of us said a word the way back to the bus. Harry and I didn't want to talk for obvious reasons but the boys didn't want to bother us.

Once we got back Eleanor was sitting on the couch reading. She looked up and smiled but then frowned when she saw our expressions.

"Heyy..what's wrong with you guys?"

"Um can't talk about it right now El but I'll tell you later" I said depressingly walking into the bunk beds. I plopped down on a random bed and curled up in the sheets. I'm not moving for the rest of the day.


I don't really know how long I'd been sitting here crying but it was long enough.

I walked out in the living room realizing my mascara tears were still on my face but at this point I could care less.

"Um you guys have rehearsals in an hour then the concert after..I can't make it cause um.." C'mon c'mon think of an excuse Emily "I don't feel well so just go without me" The boys obviously didn't care about what I was saying but only my appearance. My hair was jumbled up, my makeup smeared all over my face, my clothes in disorder. But you know what the universe hates me so I'm not trying to please it.

"Emily-" Eleanor was cut off by Louis putting a hand on her knee reassuring her I was some what fine

"Then we'll all head to the airport" I walked back into the bunk beds and curled up in my normal spot letting more tears flow out. Harry and I didn't even go on our date. This made me cry more. Every memory made me cry more. But why? He's not dead and I see him every second of every day. Ugh I don't know.


I felt numb. That's all I felt. As soon as I heard those words..I was just heartbroken and the fact I'd have to date someone else made me cringe. Especially for Emily. When we got home she just went into another room and you could hear her sobbing. I just wanted to go and wrap my arms around her but I couldn't. She walked out with tear stains on her cheeks but she didn't seem to care at all. That broke my heart. We decided not to tell Eleanor before Emily since they were close friends.

I just sat there thinking. Staring off into space while everyone was occupied in their own conversations. I saw Eleanor glancing at me from time to time. I wonder if she understood what was going on and just didn't question it.

"Harry?" Liam broke me out of my thoughts


"We have to go to rehearsals"

"Oh" That was all I said. I stood up and followed everyone else. We drove off to the arena and got there shortly after.


We finished the concert and my performance was pretty awful from my point of view. I apologize for letting the fans down but I couldn't help but think about Emily every song. It was as if I was singing to her but she couldn't hear me because she wasn't here.

We drove back to the bus and you could still hear Emily's quiet sobs. This was torture. I don't care about management I'm going to be there for her no matter what. I silently walked through the bunk beds and saw her facing the wall. I sat on her bed making her face me. She sat up and backed away from me as son as her eyes met mine.

"Emily please I can't see you like this"

"Harry what are you doing here" She whispered

"I can't stand seeing you like this" She wiped her eyes and pulled her hair to the side like it wasn't a tangled mess

"I'm fine" She snapped

"Emily please can't we just be friends?"

"You don't understand we can't. You are dating Cara and I can't just be friends. It's too hard. I just can't. Leave me alone Harry"

I was speechless. Just this morning everything was fine and now management has managed to screw it up. She crawled from under the covers and walked into the bathroom and slammed the door shut. I buried my head in my hands until I heard someone enter the room but didn't look up.

"Mate you can't change what happened today" I heard Louis say sitting next to me

"I can't see her like this..she doesn't even want to be my friend"

"Because she loves you and being friends doesn't cut have to understand that"

"But I still love her too"

"I know but I know you guys will work this out..I promise you that Harry"

"Thanks Lou"

"C'mon mate we have a plane to catch" He said walking back into the living room


Aw poor Emily and Harry): ok well I'll try to update ASAP! Promise! And I want to thank everyone for voting and reading it means a lot(:

Well keep reading voting and conmenting!


-kateharper_14 xx

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