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The closer the three beings got, the more she was sure they were like him, as in, that they had been trees as well.

Though they weren't exactly the same in coloring and other particular features, the basic outline was the same; tall and slender with those great shoulders and wise faces.

She also noticed that her Protector was better looking than they; the others, though as noble and strong in their features, lacking the beauty of his face in particular. She wondered if he was considered good looking among his people, or if they even considered such things. Perhaps what was handsome to her wasn't the same as what was handsome to them.

They made no formal greeting, as far as she could tell. Unless, standing quietly before each other for an awkward seeming length of time, the swirling wind around them being the only noise and movement, was considered a greeting. And, what did she know? Perhaps it was.

She concentrated on breathing deep and keeping her feet, her chin tilted up and strong, her body as still as possible. Just like he'd told her.

Finally, the middle being spoke first. "We were sent for you. The trees believe you were there."

"I was, but not until directly after." Her Protector answered.

The one who had spoken, nodded. Then, gesturing with his head towards herself, but not looking at her with his eyes, he asked, "Is this the cause?"


There was silence, and then the same one asked, "Why is it alive?"

"I missed."

The other raised his eyebrows, before stating, "Generally, when I miss, I just shoot again." There was a tone in his voice that she couldn't quite place, but there was definitely palpable tension in the air.

She saw her Protector clench his jaw before answering, "She has information about what happened, about what did cause the destruction."

"Is that what it told you?" The other questioned, his feelings that she was lying, and her Protector too easily duped, implied.

"That is what I know." He answered simply.

The other nodded at that, conceding. He looked over at her and said after a moment, "How many times did you 'miss'?" Obviously noticing how many areas she was bandaged.

Her Protectors mouth twitched and he looked down, the other looking over at him, his eyes sparkling.

Were they being humorous?

"Only the once, in the shoulder above the heart. We were attacked by another creature."

"'We' were attacked?" The other questioned, incredulously.

Her Protector looked at him a moment before saying simply, "I am taking her to Sequoi."

The others exchanged alarmed glances. Then the speaker said, "You think that is the wisest path?"

"I do."

There was a pause, before the other nodded, "Then we will accompany you."

And just like that, it seemed all was decided. They walked back with her Protector and helped him gather things up. She standing there, tall and still, as they doused the fire and moved around her as if she wasn't there. There was some short, quiet conversation, but she couldn't catch any of it. And as she didn't want to cause trouble by staring at anyone in particular, she chose a point in the distance and focused on it, willing herself not to cry.

After that, they'd simply...headed out. The others had looked back at her, waiting for her to come along, then had looked to her Protector, to see if there was something more they should be doing about her. But he had just looked at her, his eyes contemplative. And since she wasn't given another choice, she simply began walking.

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