Chapter 3

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"And that's how Shadowclan came to live in the marsh." Stagtail finished.

"Wow, so Shadowstar lived on the moor before she found this place?" Silverkit asked.

"Yeah, can you imagine if she stayed there?" Emberkit joked. "We'd probably just be mangy Windclan cats."

"Don't underestimate those rabbit-chasers." Mothsong warned, her voice rasping. "I got the scar on my neck from one of them. They may not be the most dangerous cats in the forest--that's definitely us--but Windclan is the fastest, no question."

"Who are the strongest cats in the forest? Besides Shadowclan?" Silverkit asked. A good leader should know these things, right?

"Thunderclan cats have always given us the hardest fight." Stagtail responded. "But Skyclan cats are no slouch either. We're just too clever for them."

"What about Riverclan?"

"We hardly ever see Riverclan warriors, aside from Gatherings." Mothsong explained. "Let alone do we fight them. Since they're on the other side of the forest, we don't really need to worry about them."

"Do Riverclan cats even fight anyone?" Emberkit asked boredly. "They're more fish than they are cats, with how they swim."

"Thunderclan and Riverclan regularly fight over Sunningrocks, a clearing between their territories." Stagtail answered. "It's a nice place for prey, and to rest. I'd say they fight over it every few moons."

"Really?" Silverkit said, shocked. Geez, they must be really greedy!

"Yep. Right now it's-"

"I hope I'm not too late!" Came a squeak from outside the den. Soon after, Umberkit poked her head in. "Aww, I missed a story, didn't I?"

"Don't worry, young one. There's plenty more." Mothsong assured. "But what kept you?"

"She wanted to help Moonshine." Emberkit answered before Umberkit could. "She thought Moonshine needed help carrying herbs."

"Well I'm sorry for wanting to be helpful!" Umberkit snapped, offended. "Next time I'll just leave a cat to fend for themselves, if that would make you so happy."

"Oi, calm down youngsters." Stagtail growled. "Emberkit, there's nothing wrong with helping a medicine cat. Umberkit, there's no need to react like that." He sighed and ruffled out his pelt. "How about we tell the story of the first medicine cat?"

"That's a fun one! Alright." Mothsong agreed. "Long ago, at the dawn of the clans..."


"Should they really be outside the nursery this long?" Briarbranch mewed anxiously. "They're only three sunrises old!"

"Calm down, Briarbranch. They're fine." Flowerpelt pressed. "Emberkit is with them, and knowing him, he saved the Elders' den for last to listen to a story or two. I'm sure that's where they are."


"Don't worry, Briarbranch! We're okay!" Umberkit squeaked. "Just like Flowerpelt said. Emberkit kept an eye on us."

"More like you wandered off from us at your earliest opportunity." Emberkit muttered.

"What was that, dear?" Flowerpelt asked.

"Nothing." He answered, shaking out his pelt. "Unless there's something else for me to do, I think I'm going to sleep."

"What? How are you tired Emberkit?" Silverkit asked, though it was obvious that he was about to fall asleep on his paws.

"I'm not tired. I just don't really feel like doing much else today unless I'm asked to." Emberkit corrected.

"That's fine dear. Go find a piece of prey or two from the pile and we'll share it before you fall asleep." Flowerpelt said, curling up in her nest.

Briarbranch had a similar idea for her two kits. "Come here, you two. I'm sure you're both hungry and exhausted. We should turn in as well."

Umberkit yawned and nodded in agreement, though Silverkit objected. "I'm not tired though! I feel like I could run to Windclan territory and back!"

Umberkit rolled her eyes and pushed her brother slightly, causing him to fall on his side with a squeak. "If I can push you down that easily, while I'm tired, it's pretty obvious that you need sleep."

Silverkit hung his head in embarrassment. "Fine."


When Umberkit woke up, beams of moonlight were filtering into the nursery through small cracks in its roof. She shifted slightly, realizing she was woken by being in an uncomfortable position. Silverkit made a small sound in response, startling her into moving farther. At that point, she was able to stand up fairly easily without disturbing anyone in the den. Being the curious kit she is, she decided to walk outside of the den, rustling the brambles on her way out.

Immediately, she began regretting her decision, because it was much colder at night, and she couldn't see very well. But she was determined to explore a little before she went back, so she tried to sniff out some place to go while she wandered around. Soon, her nose led her to a familiar scent.

The medicine cats' den!

She could make sure Moonshine was doing okay! After all, you never know if a cat is going to have a nightmare. Better safe than sorry! She might even get to learn about another herb!

She sniffed around and, running into the den walls twice, she walked in and was bathed in the scents of herbs around her once again. "Moonshine?" She called quietly. No response. Maybe she's further in the cave? She tried sniffing for her scent, but there was too many herbs. Nervously, she padded farther trying to find the medicine cat. While she was walking, something brushed against her paw and she squeaked loudly, jumping in the air. "Moonshine?!" She said louder.

"Umberkit?" Moonshine said, confused. "What in the name of Starclan are you doing out of the nursery?"

"I woke up, and I wanted to explore. I made my way to your den. Are you proud?" Umberkit asked excitedly, completely forgetting her fear from a moment ago.

"You should have stayed in your nest." Moonshine said firmly. "If you have trouble sleeping, tell your mother to get a poppy seed from me."

Umberkit was going to object, but she closed her jaws and lowered her head, guilt rising in her chest. "I'm sorry, Moonshine. I didn't mean to make you angry. I'll go back." With her head hung, she went to leave.

"Umberkit, wait." Moonshine ordered. "I never said I was mad at you. I admire your courage, because most kits wouldn't even be able to leave the nursery at night without being frightened. It was still foolish, but let me take you back to the nursery." She licked her paw and dabbed at the ground before gesturing Umberkit to follow with her tail.

When they got back, Umberkit tried to curl up next to Briarbranch without waking her and still be comfortable, though it was harder than it sounds. She was going to close her eyes when Moonshine put something tiny and round by her nose. "What's this?"

"It's a poppy seed. It helps cats sleep, like I said earlier." Moonshine said. "Swallow it and you'll be sleeping soundly for the rest of the night."

"Thanks, Moonshine." Umberkit mewed, lapping up the little ball. It didn't taste like anything. Moonshine dipped her head and left the den while Umberkit nuzzled closer to her mother.

Hey, I did get to learn about another herb!

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