Chapter 6

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"Silverkit, sit still! Your fur looks terrible!" Briarbranch fussed, licking his neck fur in place.

"I'm fine!" He snapped, irritated. His fur would get messed up when he was raining later today, so what did it matter?

"Come on, Silverkit. You know she just wants you to look your best for the ceremony." His sister teased.

"She's not fussing over you." Silverkit retorted. Probably because you hardly even need the ceremony.

"I haven't gotten to her yet!" Briarbranch snapped. As if to show her point, she started grooming Umberkit, who grunted in response.

Finally, their bright-pelted brown-striped leader leapt into her tree. "Let all the cats old enough to stalk though the marshes gather beneath the High Branch for a clan meeting!"

Within a few moments most of the clan was around, the only exceptions being Flowerpelt because she was in the nursery expecting her next litter, and Mothsong, who was probably napping. Nonetheless, Goldstar began. "The time has come once again for my favorite ceremony. Umberkit, Silverkit, please come forward."

The two littermates stepped forward, one being much more calm than the other.

"Umberkit, the time has come for you to become an apprentice. Is it your desire to become medicine cat, and learn the ways of healing?" Goldstar began.

"It is." Umberkit confirmed.

"Then at the next half-moon you will travel to the Moonstone with Moonshine to be accepted by Starclan before the other medicine cats. Until you receive your full medicine cat name, you will be known as Umberpaw." Goldstar declared. Umberpaw nodded and padded over to where Moonshine was waiting, and touched noses with her.

Finally, it was her brother's turn. "Silverkit, the time has come for you to become an apprentice. From this day on, until you have received your warrior name, you will be known as Silverpaw. Your mentor will be Waterpelt."

Waterpelt? I guess she's alright... Silverpaw thought.

"Waterpelt, you had an excellent mentor in Webfire, and I expect you to pass on all you have learned from him to your apprentice."

The pretty blue-furred she-cat padded over to him and they touched noses. Afterwards, Goldstar announced that it was time for Quailpaw and Condorpaw to become warriors, and their new names were Quailfeather and Condorclaw.

"Come on, Silverpaw. I'm sure you and your sister are eager to see the territory, yes?" Waterpelt instructed. Moonshine and Umberpaw were already at the camp entrance.

"Coming!" He said, and he ran towards the entrance with Waterpelt padding through his dust.

"Where are we going first, Moonshine?" He heard Umberpaw ask once he got within earshot.

The medicine cat shrugged. "I don't know. Where do you think is best to show, Waterpelt?"

Waterpelt's tail twitched. She looked nervous. "Well...the Carrionplace would be good. So they know not to go there unless there's an emergency."

Moonshine nodded. "I agree. From there, we can circle around to the Thunderpath and the Burnt Sycamore and back." She left through the thorn barrier and beckoned the others with her tail.

"Why's it called Carrionplace?" Silverpaw asked.

"You'll see when we get there." Waterpelt teased.

"How far from camp is it?"

"Not far. Shadowclan territory is the smallest of the five clans, you know. It doesn't take long to trek through it." Moonshine informed.

The smallest territory? Silverpaw thought with annoyance. I'll fix that when I'm leader!

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