Chapter 1

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"Silverkit, come on! Briarbranch hasn't let me leave the nursery because you haven't opened your eyes!" Umberkit whined. Her brother only let out an uncomfortable grunt--as close to a grunt as a three day old kit can make, at least.

"Umberkit, leave your brother alone." Her mother scolded. "He'll open his eyes soon. You can wait until then to leave the nursery."

"But it's so boring! Flowerpelt's kits get to leave on their own, so why can't I?"

"Because they're four moons older than you, simple as that. Come on, take a nap and eat. You look like you're hungry."

Umberkit held back a hiss. Why didn't her mother understand? "I'm not--"

"Oh, just let her explore the camp." Broke in Flowerpelt's groggy voice. The queen had been dozing before they started arguing. "It's not good to try to make you kits' experiences the exact same. If she wants to see the world at a quicker pace than her brother, then let her."

"I suppose you'd know all about that, wouldn't you, Flowerpelt?" Briarbranch mumbled.

Umberkit tipped her head. Her mother told her that Flowerpelt didn't like the life of a warrior very much, so after she earned her name, she became a queen pretty quickly. Her most recent litter had been her fourth so far. Did what her mother said have to do with that?

Flowerpelt yawned. "Why don't you go around camp and ask one of the apprentices to show her around? Or I bet Emberkit would love to, considering how much he wanted to yesterday."

Briarbranch sighed. "Alright. Keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't try to sneak out before I get back." She got up and left the nursery.

Umberkit fluffed her tail up excitedly. "Thanks Flowerpelt! It's so cooped up in here, and I never get to play with anyone because Silverkit is almost always asleep and it's too small for your kits to play in here."

Flowerpelt purred at her. "It's no trouble, little one. A Skyclan cat would be able to see your eagerness from the top of the trees they climb on. You know, you remind me a lot of Goldstar when she was your age."

Umberkit gasped. "You mean you're Goldstar's mother?" She didn't know Flowerpelt was that old!

"Is it that surprising? I guess that means I look well for my age." She joked. "But Goldstar isn't that old herself. In fact, your father had already completed his warrior training when she was born."

"Really? But he's deputy! So he has to be leader after her, doesn't he?"

Flowerpelt shook her head. "Choosing a deputy doesn't just mean choosing the clan's next leader. Since she was young, Goldstar wanted a cat she could rely on for her deputy. Not only was Needleclaw a senior and experienced warrior, but he was also her mentor. The choice was obvious for her. If I had to guess though, your father will likely retire to the elders' den before Goldstar's leadership is over."

"So who'll be deputy after he retires?" Umberkit asked. Were there any good warriors that were still young in the clan?

"I'll be the next deputy!" Declared a squeaky voice. "I'm his son, so it makes sense."

Umber looked back at the nest to see that her brother had stood up and was stretching. "Silverkit! You're up! Open your eyes so you can come with me around camp!"

Silverkit grumbled a little before finally saying "Alright, I will." He whimpered as his eyes adjusted to the light. "It hurts! Why is it so bright?"

"It's even brighter outside of the nursery, scaredy-mouse!" Umberkit told him. She licked his ears to try to help comfort him. It seemed to work, because in a moment he was looking around, wide-eyed.

"Wow, it's so big in here! Why didn't you tell me?" He asked his sister.

"I did!" She argued. "You didn't believe me."

"You should have convinced me better!" He teased. He crouched like he was going to leap.

Umberkit waited until he jumped and then darted forward, avoiding his attack. "Ha!"

"Hey, that's not fair!"

"It's not my fault you aren't used to seeing yet!"

"Oh yeah, well try to dodge this!" He started running towards her.

Umberkit crouched and wiggled her haunches before jumping right over him, landing clumsily. "There! I did it!"

"And fell right into my trap!" Silverkit squeaked, pouncing on her. "I got you now, Thunderclan scum!"

"Who're you calling Thunderclan, you rabbit-muncher?" Umberkit said, pushing him off. "Get off of my territory, you Windclan invader!"

"What's that about the enemy clans?" Came a voice outside the nursery.

"Emberkit!" Umberkit exclaimed. "You're here!"

"Of course I'm here. When Briarbranch told me she was letting you outside the nursery I came a quick as I could." He responded. "I see you and Silverkit both have the same purple eyes."

"They do?!" Came Briarbranch's voice. She rushed into the nursery. "My son's opened his eyes!" She started grooming him furiously.

"Mother! You don't need to fuss over me!" Silverkit objected, pulling  away. "Just let me leave with Umberkit and Emberkit!"

Briarbranch looked a little hurt, but she didn't argue. "Alright. Don't do anything stupid! Don't play with the fresh-kill! don't get in the warriors' way! And listen to what Emberkit tells you!"

"We will!" Umberkit promised. "Where are we going first, Emberkit?"

"How about we go in order? The apprentices' den is this way." He purred, and he headed that direction with the two littermates on his heels.

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