New Me

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Today is Friday and I'm nervous because it's my first party and Joy is picking my clothes. I hope she doesn't show to much.

"See you later Mia." Derek said as I was leaving. I smiled and waved. He looks way to excited. I laughed to myself and continued to my locker.

" Hey" I heard Ace behind me as I was opening my locker.

" What, do you not understand that I don't want anything to do with you"? I said annoyed. He's been passing me all day with some chick then wanna come talk to me like we cool.

" I miss you." he blurted out

" Did you tell that to the girl you was with all day"? I asked closing my locker and walking away.

" That was my cousin. " he said.

" Well go bother your cousin" I said walking out of the building.

I heard a familiar laugh and turned around to see Joy.

" C'mon girl lets get going, we have a party to get ready for." She said chaining our arms.

Suprisingly the oufit Joy picked out wasn't bad at all. It was a new look though. I barley notice myself in the mirror. I wasn't the type to wear all black but, I can't lie I look sexy.

" You look gorgeous." Joy said breaking me from my thoughts.

" Thanks" I smiled still looking at myself. I looked at her through the mirror and she looked stunning. Her hair was out, she had on black pants that had rips in it, with a purple jacket. It was plain but, she still looked nice.

"You look amazing" I turned around facing her.

" Thanks come on. let's go show off our sexy selves." she said grabbing me.

" Wait Joy. I don't have anything on my feet."

" oh yea my bad." She went into her closet and grabbed a pair of wedges. They were sexy. I put them on and stood up. I couldn't walk at first but I got use to it after a while. Joy was a pro at walking. This girl ran down the stairs when the microwave went off.

" Food's ready Ajay." she yelled.

" okay tha..." he stopped when he saw me. He kept staring which made me uncomfortable. I just walked into the kitchen with Joy.

" You ready"? she asked taking her apron off and letting her hair down.

" yea." I said looking at myself one more time in a nearby mirror.

" Don't worry. You look fine." Ajay snuck up behind me.

" Thanks. " I smiled.

" Okay let's go" Joy broke our stares at each other.

I followed her to thr car and we were on our way.

" Do you like my brother?" She asked as we arrived at a red light.

"No. Why?" I asked.

" I saw the way you to looked at each other. Did something happen"? she asked pulling off

"Lets just say he picked me up when I was down" I said simply.

"You sure that's it"? she asked eyeing
" Yes im positive."

" okay. We're here."

I looked out the window and my heart sunk. I got real nervous real quick.

" Calm down." Joy grabbed my hand.

I nodded my head and we got out of the car. The house was clean outside. The only reason you knew that a party was going on is because of the loud music. Joy opened the door and the smell of weed, liquor, and must hit my nose. These kids must not know how to shower. We walked in to see everybody. Joy pulled me to the middle of the dance floor and started shaking her ass. Everybody started looking so, I followed. Everybody started to cheer us on. As I started to relax more someone came behind me. I was gonna move until the person grabbed my waist and started grinding on me. I started whining on him and the crowd went wild. I turned to see that it was Derek when the music changed.
We went into the kitchen and he grabbed two cups.

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