Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 -Exit This Way Please

Dizziness. Dizziness and pain are all I feel. My eyes feel like there is a blinding light shining in them but all I can see is darkness. There is no light at all. My head feels like I've been spinning for hours at high speeds and then repeatedly smack my head against a brick wall. My body feels drained of any energy. I attempt to move my arms and legs but nothing happens. I feel paralyzed.

I lay there feeling dead for a few moments before I finally have the energy to open my eyes. What I see shocks me. The plane crashed into some island. I'm still in my seat but the plane has been torn apart in many places. All I can think is that I'm damn lucky to be alive.

What about Vinny? God, I can only hope he is alright. I'm too scared to look to my right. What if he didn't make it?

Slowly I turn my aching neck. Vinny's there but looks like shit. I can only imagine how terrible I must look. His cheek has a small cut on it and is slightly bruised.

What about Chris, Ricky, Josh, and Devin? At least one of them survived. Right?

I struggle to get out of my seat. I'm positive I broke an arm because it sure as hell feels like I have shattered some of my bones. When I get out I double over caused by the immense amount of pain coming from my shoulder.

After regaining my posture I turn to help Vinny out of his seat. I don't know much about planes but I don't want to stay to see if it explodes.

"Fuck, Ryan is that you? Are you alive too?" I hear Devin's soft voice say.

I look up a couple rows and sure enough there's Devin hanging over he side of his seat. He doesn't look too good. Just by the sound of his voice it's apparent that he is in a lot more pain than I am. Looks like something had fallen on him during the crash.

"Is Rick okay?" I ask.

My hands work their best to unbuckle Vinny's seatbelt. Once I finish that I wrap my arms around his torso and lift him out of his seat. Hurts a whole lot but it's a bearable kind of pain.

"Yeah I'm okay. A bit bruised but I should be fine. How about you and Vinny?" Ricky's voice answers my previous question.

"I'm okay, Vinny hasn't woken up yet, but he's breathing." I answer.

There seems to be no one else on the plane except for a couple of people who clearly didn't make it. I look around for an exit which isn't very hard to find considering almost the entire outside of the airplane is missing. It's finding a safe exit that's difficult. Eventually I find one and stumble over to Ricky and Devin.

Ricky has Devin's arms wrapped around his neck and is holding him bridal style. The four of us make our way to leave the god forsaken plane.

"Wait! Chris and Josh." a very sore and groggy Vinny mumbles.

I look back and to my dismay I don't see a single trace of the two. That means they got out, but did they get out alive?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2016 ⏰

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