I'm not the type of girl for you

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Holly's POV

I unwillingly dragged myself out of bed today. I didn't feel like going to school, considering I had barely managed to catch any sleep yesterday. But I had to go, couldn't miss a day.

I was going to talk to principal Johnson today. I'm NOT taking part in the music fest, with such an egoistic man. I got up and walked to the bathroom my eyes still closed.

"Ouch!" I almost avoided myself from falling flat on my face. "Stupid table. I don't remember it being here the last time I saw." I cursed.

I rubbed my eyes and looked into the mirror. Yes that's me alright. Hair standing up like straw, droopy eyes, a zombie like body and a hickey on my neck. Oh I wish I would wake up on day and would have transformed from an ugly toad to a sexy supermodel. Wait what ? Rewind... A Hickey ???
I received the shock of my life when I saw the next thing...
There was a love bite on my neck ! Shit shit shit...
How had this happened ?

That Adam ....stupid bastard, always creating problems for me. Oh no.. How would I cover this disaster ???

Meh that's easy ! I'd just wear an oversized sweater today... yes in the sticky and clammy weather. But I would be sent to the counsellor for some help, if I did that ! I'll wear my hoodie then. It would still be better than wearing a sweater... In the sticky and clammy weather...

What if Max came today? I'll be sure to tell him that I'm on his side. YES !
No way was I backing Adam, after his insults yesterday. He blamed my character! How could he compare me to those girls, who sashay around him in slinky clothes? I think he had gotten so used to such girls, that he thought every girl on the planet was interested in him!!!
Well for me, I would never talk to a guy who doesn't respect me.
The more I thought about all this, the more agitated I got...


"Good morning Mr Johnson" I beamed. I was called in along with Adam, to meet the principal. Adam was ignoring me like plague, so I did the same. I'm great at ignoring people. Especially rude, good looking, drool worthy people, looking cute in grey V-neck T-shirts...

"Good morning. Please sit down both of you. Now I wanted to remind you people that the music fest is less than a week away. I hope you guys have decided on the song and other critical elements of your performance. " he said.
I gave a dirty look to Adam who was finding the white wall in front of us, far more interesting than the conversation. Jerk. Now I would have to cover up for him. He looked at me and rolled his eyes. Mr egoistic pants.

"Yes Mr Johnson, the practice is going great..." I stuttered. I was lying. And I hated lying.

"I'm so glad to hear that Holly. The guys and you... I hope we win this fest again."

"We will." Adam said smugly. I almost stopped myself from clapping for him. Two words out of his egoistic mouth. What an achievement ! Mr smug pants.

"OK then without further ado, I think you people should head back to your classes then. Don't forget to share your progress with me." He smiled.

"Yes Mr Johnson." We got up. Ok now it was my cue. I had to muster up the courage to tell him that I wanted to quit. With Adam here it was getting uncomfortable.

I walked towards the door slowly and stood still for a while, hoping Adam would leave but he stopped too. From the corner of my eye, I saw him looking at me.
I refused to make eye contact and swung my head to the other side. I could be egoistic too ! I heard him curse under his breath and then he pulled open the door with a jerk and walked out. Phew what a relief...

I walled towards the principal's desk again. He was busy reading something on his computer. I cleared my throat.

"You haven't left Holly ?" He smiled at me from his glasses. Yes he's gone you're seeing her ghost ! Captain obvious... Oh no when was I so mean ? This Adam.. He messed up my mind all the time.

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