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1. What piece of work are you focused primarily on?


That is a really good question, indeed. I'm sort of focused on all of my works (and some that I'm newly working on but that haven't been published yet since I think four is enough for now). But if I had to pick, I would say . . . either Echo or Don't Jump.

2. How long have you been writing for?


Honestly, for as long as I can remember. But I only started posting online about . . . five years ago. And that was in French. In English, I think it's been . . . perhaps two years.

3. Whats your favorite thing about writing stories?


Anything is possible. You just gotta want it and it can happen. There is no one to tell you what is supposed to happen, there's no one to tell you that what you're doing is wrong. It's like being in your own little world, the way that you want it to be. I like that I have the power to do everything that I want and no one's going to stop me.

I guess that writing is also like my therapy in a way if I ever feel down or angry or anything. I always feel like the better version of myself when I write.

4. If you could say anything to your followers/readers what would it be?


Don't be someone you're not. Don't pretend to be someone just to please someone else. Live the life that you want to live, do what you want to do because in the end, there's just going to be you. No one should stop you from being who you want to be. Dream big, and never give up.

I would tell them that if they ever feel sad or if they're so happy they feel they're going to explode with happiness, that I will always be there for them.

5. What inspires you to write?


Actually, everything. It can be just something odd that happened to me today, or something that could have happened. But I guess that I'm mostly driven by my feelings and my need to say something. It's my way of expressing myself, and anything can inspire me to write, although I would say that pain has proven to be the thing that made me write so much.

6. What character from any story would you like to meet if you could?


That's a hard one! I guess that I would like to meet Thomas Pearson from Kate Brian's Private serie because the guy just stole my heart! There is also . . . Tristan Faulkner (which inspires me to create the character of both Tristan Hamilton and Rebekka Faulkner in my story Echo . . . now you see where it comes from!) that I could never stop reading about.

But, honestly, I would probably want to meet them all. I feel like they all have things to say that haven't been written, so many questions left unanswered. There are so many of the characters that I would like to meet that I can't even think of any right now.

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