(7) The Day It Became Official

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*I promised you guys an early update if enough people wanted it and you did so here you go.*

Dedicated to themanyaxe

AMAZING cover by the equally amazing spixeEisha ! Thanks for all your support and awesome comments! Everyone go check out her incredible story Stupid Genie! :) x x

The Day It Became Official:

15th January 2015

"Is everyone ready to leave yet?"

"Everyone but your darling fiance. " Rachel replied as she got in the car. They were heading off to a theme park or atleast they would be if Carly wasn't taking ages to curl her hair.

Although what was the point if the rides were just going to mess it up anyways?

Robbie sighed. "Well what is she doing?"

"She's curling her hair. Apparently even after 4 years she needs to show you how pretty she can look." She told him remembering what Carly had told her this morning. She'd sounded like a girl trying to impress a guy on their first date. Still it was cute..kind of.

Robbie rolled his eyes. "I'll go hurry her up."

"No quickies in my bedroom!" Rachel shouted as he got out the car. Carly was in her room using her curlers after she accidentally stepped on her own and broke them.

Robbie just smirked. "Your bathroom it is then." He joked before running off. God it better have been a joke Rachel thought ,her nose wrinkled in disgust.

"Why are we even going to a themepark? Can't we just go to the beach again?" Mark said from the seat behind her. Robbie had hired a 7 seated car for the trip so we didn't have to take two cars again.

Rachel could already tell he'd regret that decision though. Knowing her friends there will be an argument every 10 minutes over what music station should be playing and where we should stop to eat.

Which is exactly why she'd made sure to bring her headphones with her.

"We only went a month ago. Besides Hannah had 2 free tickets so why not?" Rachel told him.

"But..they're boring!" He complained.

Rachel scoffed. "Since when are themeparks boring?" She asked no one in particular as Nate got in the car and sat next to her. He'd been standing outside on the phone to his sister since the car was too loud for him to hear her properly. "Everything ok?" She asked him hoping there wasn't anything wrong with the baby.

"Hmm? Oh yeah. Casey's fine, she was just calling to let me know she's going to my parents place next weekend. Wants us to have a family dinner." He explained. "You could come if you like."

Rachel frowned. "A family dinner tends to mean family Nate. I'm not even your girlfriend yet."

Nate grinned. "Yet?" He questioned making Rachel blush. "Anyways let me rephrase myself. You have to come. Casey wants to meet you and what a pregnant sister wants, a pregnant sister gets. Well , unless you want to be screamed at and beaten up."

"But why?" Rachel asked him confused. "I didn't even know she knew about me."

Nate smiled. "Of course she does. I tell Casey everything, even if it hasn't happened yet."

What the hell does that mean?

Nate frowned when she didn't say anything. "Is everything Ok Rach? I thought you wanted to meet her."

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