(1)The Day They Met

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Dedicated to komaljoshi123

*photo is just a random cover I made on the app *

This story will be cheesy and probably cliche as hell. Also the first chapter isn't amazing, it gets better after though :)

The Day They Met:

December 5th 2014

"You're not just doing that all night are you?"

Rachel looked up from her ice cream tub, which she'd mixed some vodka into, to stare at her best friend. "What do you think Carly?"

Carly walked over and sat next to Rachel on the sofa with a sigh. "You can't stay in all night watching sappy films and stuffing your face." She said softly.

Rachel shrugged holding her vanilla ice cream out of the way when Carly tried to take it from her. "Marie1983 on Google says it's the best way to get over a breakup."

"I thought you didn't like Ben much?" Carly asked remembering all the times Rachel had told her exactly that.

She sighed. "I mean..I didn't. Not much anyway, we weren't together long afterall. But still..being dumped sucks."

"That's true."

Rachel laughed. "How would you know? Robbie's the only guy you've been with and You're still together even after 4 years. Heck you guys are engaged!"

Robbie and Carly had met when they were 16 and it didn't take long for them to get together. After spending so much time with them both Rachel wasn't surprised they were still together, they made a great couple. She hoped they'd never break up.

"Well yeah but my sister has been through loads and she's always a wreck." That was an understatement. Carly's sister would spend two weeks in her bedroom crying not even bothering to shower or brush her hair unless she was forced too. It was pretty gross actually. Carly grimaced at the memory. "You do realise that staying at home crying makes you just as bad as her right? And no one wants that."

Rachel said nothing, shoving a big spoonful of bitter ice cream into her mouth.

Carly grabbed hold of Rachel's hand and gave her a pleading look. "Please just come out Rach. I hate seeing you like this. Besides it's Hannah's late birthday celebration!"

Rachel groaned out loud. She had to say that didn't she? "Fine but if I sulk all night you can't complain." She replied as the doorbell rang.

"Great! That'll be Robbie now." Carly squealed excitedly as she rushed to the door.

Sure enough in walked Robbie who didn't waste time and immediately kissed his fiance. "Gross guys stop that!" They pulled away from eachother, Carly blushing while Robbie just smirked. "Condition number one: if you want me to go out tonight You're not allowed to kiss in front of me."

Carly nodded immediately. "Deal!" She agreed dragging Rachel off the sofa. Rachel didn't miss the frown on Robbie's face as Carly shoved her towards the stairs. "Now go get ready. You can wear the blue lace dress I got you for Christmas, it's wrapped up in my wardrobe."

"Spoil the surprise why don't you!" Rachel glared at her friend playfully before giving her a hug. "Thanks Carly. So is it just us, Hannah and Mark?"

Robbie shook his head. "Actually I have a friend coming, his names Nate. You know the one I told you about last week? "

No. "Oh..Yeah. Cool. I'll just get ready then."

Carly watched as Rachel rushed up the stairs. "She had no clue who I was talking about did she?" Robbie asked her amused.

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