Chapter 2

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"Earth to Emily!? Hello?!?!" Eva snapped in front of my face as my eyes were still glued on the boy. I looked at her and she gave me a confuzzled look.

"Let me see your schedule." She said taking the paper out of my hand. I scanned the hall for the boy, but he was nowhere to be found.

"Oh I have all the same classes. First we have math. Let's go." she said pulling my arm down the hallway.

We arrived at the math class and no one was there yet.

"Please take a seat anywhere." the teacher said to us. We decided to sit next to each other in the second row. People then started piling into the classroom.

Then I saw him again. God damnit he was so hot. Wait Em, you can't say that about him. You just looked at him a couple of times. No one was sitting next to me, so he sat next to me. He looked at me and smiled with a wink. I started blushing and looked down. Eva looked at me and drew a heart in the air.

"Okay class see you tomorrow!" the teacher said as the bell rang. I went to my locker for next period.

"Hey." An unknown voice said to me. I turned around and it was the boy. I didn't know what to do. Was he really talking to me?

"Oh, hi. My name is emily." I smiled at him trying not to completely faint.

"Hi emily. My name is Hunter." His hazel eyes glistened and I couldn't stop staring at them.

"Hi Hunter. I've got to go to my next class, so see ya later." I waved at him as I walked to science as he waved at me.

Hunter, what a cute name for a cute guy.


Hey guys! Next chapter to picking up the pieces. Hope you enjoy. If you have any better title suggestions, comment them down below. Bye!

xoxo, Em

Picking up the Pieces// Hunter fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now