Follow the Leader

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Chapter One

Finn’s POV

“So where do you think she went?” I asked Jack, who once again had his face stuffed with food. He looked back at me and only shrugged his shoulders.

“Stalking is not good, Finny.” Jack said, a smile growing on his lips but I knew he was thinking exactly the same thing I was.

“And that’s not a good way to get a girl to fall in love with you.” Jack said. He took a step back along with his food before I stood up.

“Who says I like her?” I asked.

“Nah, I didn’t even say that. But its good to know you called dibs.” Jack said.

“I didn’t!” I grabbed the closest thing to me, a blow-up mic from forever ago, and started hitting him with it.

“Hey! No fair!” Jack shouted, setting down his plate. He tried to grab the mic from me, but I didn’t let him.

“I’m older!” I retorted, whacking him on the head.

“Keep it down!” Aquamarine pounded on the wall again. I stopped hitting Jack and we looked at each other, thinking the same thing. We stood and quietly left the room, the mic in my hand. Jack grabbed another mic and we padded next-door. We stifled our laughs. He knocked on the door and Aqua opened it, and we started hitting her with the mics. “Quit it!” She yelled.

But we didn’t stop, we just hit her harder and Aqua, instead of complaining, slowly started to laugh. Jack raised his eyebrow and in seconds pushed me closer to Aqua, forcing me to drop the mic, but she didn’t put her hands in front of her in protest. Instead she stood there motionless, thinking. Jack stopped hitting her.

“And now kiss!” Jack said and once again pushed me closer to her, but this time Aqua acted in time and in seconds stood in front of Jack.

Jack held his breath, was she going to kill him? Slap him? Hit him? Or even kiss him? He stood there for a seconds before Aqua only scoffed before going out of her room, sliding her sunglasses back over her eyes from where they were perched on top of her head. Jack looked at me and I knew exactly what he wanted.

“Follow the leader!” He shouted before going after Aqua. I shrugged and followed.

“We’re following the leader, the leader, the leader, we’re following the leader, wherever he may go!” I chanted loudly, imitating the Lost Boys. Jack started chanting too.

“I am a girl, you know!” Aqua shouted. I paused my chanting.

“Oh, we know! It’s part of the song!” I yelled back, and started chanting again.

Aqua took a left into a hallway that seemed to go forever and Jack took a right instead of left, not paying attention. I saw her disappear around a corner, and she smiled at me. I sighed. We had lost her, we could just ask where she went but instead Jack only kept walking and walking.

“We lost her.” He said finally. I frowned.

“No really. I hadn’t noticed,” I retorted.

The minutes slowly seemed to pass and Jack and I agreed to head down to the cafeteria. A few people took a few seconds to stare at us but not one got any closer. I turned towards Jack, who only shrugged his shoulder.

My eyes scattered the room looking for Aqua. There was no one that looked the slightest like her except the girl who wore sunglasses and who seemed to be talking to a professor. I turned around to hit Jack’s shoulder and saw that Jack no longer stood next to me. Instead he was over with a plate getting food and chatting up the people next to him. I just shook my head. Why was it that he was never full?

I decided to go on anyways and approach the girl and in a few seconds I stood in front of their table. The girl only hid a little more behind her long, jet black hair. And the professor, well, he didn’t seem to acknowledge my presence. Instead his eyes discreetly bore into Aqua’s body, wanting, looking. I was instantly disgusted by the man.

“Look who I found, Jack!” I shouted across the cafeteria to Jack. He gave me a thumbs up before slowly making his way to our table, which happened to be the closest to the window and farthest from the rest cafeteria.

“I should have guessed you were going to be here.” Aqua said, nodding her head towards Jack and his nearly overflowing plate.

“And I see here you are, chatting with a profess-” I said before I was interrupted by the professor, who shot me a look, careful that Aqua didn’t notice. I glanced at him and back at Aqua, who fidgeted and seemed to grow anxious to touch his hair. “Think about it.” He said, winked and left a business card to Aqua, he patted my shoulder before leaving.

“God, Finn, your wife here is already cheating on you.” Jack said, taking a seat where the professor had sat only moments before.

“Wife? I seriously need to get away from you crazy people.” She said, to which Jack only shook his head with a grin.

“Crazy? No, I’m pretty sure it’s only Finn and me. Our family is pretty normal.” He said, “As a matter of fact.”

Aqua stood up and quickly caught up to the professor, saying, “I accept. Tonight, 9pm, right?”

“I told you, you should have asked her out from the minute you met her.” Jack said before taking another bite of his sandwich, which was soon gone in just a few bites.

“Ah Finny, admit it, he has cooler hair than you.” Jack said. He read my mind in a way, but not entirely.

I mean, whatever. She wasn’t the only girl in this University. In fact, I couldn’t even picture her and me, she was more like the little sister Jack and I could enjoy annoying, which we had been doing pretty well from the moment we met her.

But one question ran through my mind. Were a professor and student allowed to date? Unless, of course, she didn’t know. I turned towards Jack who for the first time in a long time didn’t seem to read my mind. I turned around and saw that Aqua was no longer standing behind me, typical.

“Jack do you think she knows?” I asked, he only shot me an annoyed glance before turning towards his food.

He took a sip of his drink before his eyes grew big and he almost choked on his water. “That liar! That liar with the brilliant hair that just makes him even more dangerous.”

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