Make Some Changes

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Aqua's POV

I stormed to my building and up the stairs, wanting to waste energy. I unlocked the door to my room, slammed it shut, and locked it behind me. Tossing my stuff on the table, I changed into a white tank top and grey sweats. I pulled my hair back and grabbed my favorite book, lovingly dog-eared, "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens. I settled on the side of my bed closest to my window after unlocking my door. I got through maybe four or five chapters before someone knocked on the door.

"Come in," I called, not looking up from my book. The door opened and closed, footsteps came towards me, and familiar blue-green eyes looked at the cover of my book. I snapped it shut and placed it face down on my bedside table.

"Did that say A Tale of Two Cities?" Finn asked.

"Maybe, maybe not," I hedged.

He shrugged his shoulder, not entirely convinced. I didn't feel like talking, no matter how much i secretly liked that he was here. But I didn't tell him to leave just yet. Instead I waited for his response. He stood by my desk awkwardly before I patted the bed next to me, and he walked there unsure. I used the time to take in his appearance. Colored shirt, jeans, Vans.

He's so cute when he's nervous! Wait what? I shook my thoughts away and focused on floor. My eyes met his shoes as he stood in front of me. He crouched down to my height and caught my gaze. I had no idea what he was trying to do, or what he had in mind, but I honestly didn't have the words to ask him.

He bent a bit towards me until his torso was between my knees. He never made my heart race at least not until today, and at least not until now. But I couldn't let my wall down and I couldn't let myself be vulnerable. It was too risky.

I couldn't stop myself from floating in his eyes. I looked at them trying to decipher his eyes but they weren't unlike any color I had ever seen before. They could have been a blue-green color but they also looked brown in the light. He smiled. His whole face lit up and in that moment he seemed innocent.

He kissed my forehead and paused a second before trailing down and kissing my nose. Why wasn't I stopping him? Just bend a little more Finn, a little more and you reach my lips, I thought. But a sudden knock on the door stopped him from reaching my lips.

He had been really close. He opened his eyes and his breathing went back to normal and after a few deep breaths mine did too. He took a seat on my bed and refused to look at me.

"Come- Come in." I stammered.

The door from my room opened and slowly Matt stepped inside.

"I knew I should have locked it." Finn muttered, Matt refused to acknowledge him and only walked towards my desk where he stood comfortably, unlike Finn.

"Welcome to my room. How may I help you." I said, raising one eyebrow. Finn snorted quietly, but I didn't turn to look at him.

"Just, ah, seeing how you're doing," Matt said.

"I'm sorry, and you are?" I asked, standing. I saw his jaw clench.

"Matt Smith," he said stiffly.

"Nice to meet you, Matt. What do you do?"

"I'm a university professor."

"See, that would've been nice to know before we went on a date!" My voice raised an octave.

"I figured you had figured it out at the library, but apparently not," he shot at me. My jaw dropped.

"Get out." I pointed at my door. He didn't move. "Get out now."

"Aqua..." he started.

"She said get out," Finn said, appearing beside me. I opened the door for Matt, but he stood there motionless. He didn't even move a single centimeter.

Finn moved to stand in front of me and stood tall and proud. But Matt didn't seem to look intimidated, instead he looked to be enjoying himself. And Finn shouldn't have done it, Matt could have hit him.

But instead Matt stood close to him and whispered, only half to Finn, in his ear, "We all have secrets, Finn. Ask her what hers is."

I thought that Matt's words affected Finn more than he let on.

"I'm just another student now," I said before he left. I closed and locked the door behind him, releasing a deep breath.

Finn's POV

The door closed with a satisfying thud. I smiled to myself before she turned around I saw the look on her face. I opened my arms and without a word she ran to me, clasping her hands behind my neck. We stood there hugging for a while. I guess this makes me the victor, I thought. But why don't I feel better about it?

"Let's go do something," I suggested.

"You're not gonna ask about my secret?" Aqua asked, incredulous.

"Nah. You'll tell me when you're ready," I said. She smiled.

"Wanna watch the best movie ever made?" she asked. "It's American and it's from the 80s, but don't judge it."

"Which movie?" I asked.

"Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Super funny and it's a classic."

"Go get it," I said. I didn't feel like telling her I had already seen it.

"Yay! There's popcorn in the cupboards," she said, disappearing into her room.

I found the popcorn and stuck it in the microwave. I turned to find Aqua kneeling by the TV, a disc in her hand. The microwave beeped, and I poured the popcorn into the bowl before walking to the couch. Aqua joined me, remote in hand, legs curled onto the couch. The movie started, and Aqua smiled and laughed the whole time. She fell asleep near the end, so I finished the movie, put the bowl in the kitchen, and carried Aqua to her bed. I pulled a blanket up to cover her and kissed her forehead before leaving and walking into my room, where I dropped on my bed, ignoring Jack's questions, and fell asleep as well.

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