Chapter 1

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Cassidy's POV

My alarm clock went off at 6:17 am. I got out off bed heading towards the bathroom doing my daily routine. I looked in the mirror at the sight of something I had lost myself into. I starred at the mirror for a while then I had dug through a couple bags that had my clothes in them. I decided on a white shirt and a regular pair of blue jeans. I has style just wasn't wealthy enough to show it. I'm kind of a plain Jane I don't really go for that "extraordinary" thing. when I got done dressing I looked at the clock and ran downstairs. 

I headed down stairs walking into the living room seeing a disgusting sight of seeing my mother sucking off some ugly fake ass wanna be thug looking ass nigga's dick.

"Mom!" I yelled as she whipped the corner of her mouth lookin my way. " What the fuck are you doing to this man?" I yelled pointing to the man she was sucking off.

"leave me the fuck alone and take your ugly ass to school." she snapped back at me. I pushed the man and her on the couch and walked out the house. My mom use to be married but my dad divorced my mom 6 months after she lost her job. My mother was so depressed after losing her job she didn't know what to do so she turned to drugs, and this is the shit I have to see. I soon got snapped out of my thoughts by a horn beeping. It was my best friend chase in his Black BMW. I ran to his car.

" hey boo." I said hugging him. he smelled so good. Seeing chase made me happy again.

"hey girl." he said as we were driving away.

"Did you finish last nights homework" I asked.

"Sure did" he replied

We were on our way to pick up Kandi my loud, over the top, lovable best friend since k-4. Kandi and I got along great because her and I can relate to the same thing her mother and my mother use to be strippers together way back in some years.We pulled infront of Kandi's house not only see her leaving the house but cursing her mother out as well.

"Stupid ass bitch take yo nasty trifling ass on somewhere!" Kandi yelled as her mother came to the door with matted hair , a dirty gown, torn flip flops and two massive cold sores on the corner of each of her lips. Kandi's mother was once a beautiful thick lady who I use to respect now she's skinny, and her hair was past her butt now its matted and patched out. As Kandi got In the car , the ride to school was silence. Awkwardness filled the air. As we pulled up to school we saw our usual people, the nerds , the geeks, the cool kinds, the wanna bes ,the fake hoes, and the hoes. Chase was one of the cool kids and kandi and I well we've been in our own two person category as normal.

Chase left to go hang with his boys while me and kandi headed to the snack machine. I was already labeled as fat so I didn't want to Be called fat ass , so I just grabbed a water and a apple. Kandi she was on the big side also she got stressed and she started using eating as a strategy to help so now she's like 164 pounds , But its ok because I don't judge. When the bell rang indicating that it was time for class I grabbed my books and ran to class.



lunch time came fast. Kandi and I went to the cafeteria to get some food. Kandi got a Ham and cheese with Nacho Cheese Doritos and I got nachos with a Fanta . Chase came over laughing really loud. I immediately turned around and shh'd him."Will you be quiet." I said to him. He looked at me like I was crazy.He hurried and took a seat.He Hugged me and took one of my chips. "So are y'all going to James party after school.?"

Me and Kandi replied no.

"aww come one y'all it will be fun" he said smiling.


"Fine." chase said getting up and going over to his friends

I swear that boy is a trip.



school was over so I headed out the back doors towards the bus stop avoiding all the usual bullies that bully me. 5 mins later Kandi came running.

"Hey kandi what's the rush?" I asked

"girl I just saw Christian." she said out of breath

Omgggg." I said

Christian has been my crush since like forever Christian is a Tall light skinned cream colored boy. who has the most prefect eyes. He Is the most perfect boy in history. Lord knows Christian and his brothers are fine as hell. I saw Christian coming out the door with his gang which chase is appart of. I immediately turned my head. "CASSIDY!" chase yelled. I walked over and brought kandi along even though she looked like she was going to have a heart attack. "You want a ride home.?" chase asked.

"sure" I said

We all hopped in chase's Tahoe truck. I sat in the back.The ride home to my house was silent. I was first dropped off. When I got in the door I ran upstairs ,took off my clothes and headed to the shower. After showering I did homework and Headed to bed so tomorrow I could see Christian again.

"God he's so sexy." was the last thing I thought before going to sleep

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