Chapter 1:Senior Year

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A/N :Welcome to my first book. Check it out and I welcome any suggestions and constructive criticism. Please vote and Comment.
Playlist for chapter :me,myself and I by Easy G featuring Bebe Rexa.

Life is never going to be easy its always going to be tough but it also means you have to be tougher - Anonymous.

Beep Beep Beep
Urg ,I rollover and basically pound my stupid alarm clock repeatedly stupid alarm I know it's just doing it's job but come on give me a break here.

I finally managed to drag myself out of the comfortable sanctuary of my bed and decide there's no way I'm getting out of this by this I mean the crappy first day back at school.

I lazily drag myself to my bathroom and decide to get ready for school. Here I'am standing in front of the mirror really taking a good look at myself,I seem to be doing this alot lately and as usual I see nothing of worth .

My summer was not filled with late nights and breezy beaches but instead trying to pick up the shattered pieces of my life and dealing with the remains with of my father's death.

No dad and no mom I wonder what I did in my past life to be blessed with all these misfortunes but it could be worse I could be cooped up in some overcrowded orphanage .But at least I wouldn't be lonely I added in a afterthought.

But at least I have Nina my aunt and her husband Mark to keep me company well they mostly make sure I'm still alive other than their occasional visits I'm one hundred percent alone.

I brush my teeth and take a shower knowing that there's no way I'm going to get out of the first day of senior year since aunt Nina oh so described it as the best year of your life well when you're me I doubt it.

Finally I'm dressed in some as usual rather unflattering clothes which consists of a baggy spongebob t-shirt and sweatpants with run down converse it practically screams billionaire's daughter hear the sarcasm though my father was a wealthy man who afforded me all of my hearts desires I never liked the world I was born into with snooty people walking like they have a pole up their asses thinking that their better than others becomes of they silly bank accounts and to add many of them simply married to get wealth its sad if you ask me.

I do a quick once over in the mirror and though my inky black hair is puffy around my face making me look like the grudge I decide it's good enough for me. I pack my bags and I'm off downstairs for some breakfast before heading to school.

The moment my foot hits the bottom step all eyes turn to me .

'Morning Maam'

'Hello,deary'and so fourth
are the usual greetings of the household staff.

A small 'morning'was all I managed to muster up before taking a seat at the breakfast counter .Breakfast consisted of the normal fancy poached salmon and rye which meant I simply picked at my food wishing it would miraculously turn into a cheeseburger .

After breakfast I went down to get the garages and when I say garage I mean there's eight garages filled with sports cars to old pick up trucks my all time favourite is the Porsche spyder its beautiful intricate design is a masterpiece and it glides with absolute precision but unfortunately today and for the rest of the year I'm in the old run down range rover simply because people are parasites who suck up to other people to get things like luxury and I would not prefer the entire student body to come to know of my financial status because they would treat me differently and with more respect but believe it or not I prefer that they think of me as some loner who can't afford new shoes than an heiress to the Michelle corporation .

I hop into the truck and make my way to Kempton Park High for yet another year of torment by my peers .

As I'm driving there's one thought on my mind and that is I can't wait till it's all over.

Senior year here I come.

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